Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow Quilts!

"Let it Snow" by Linda Rotz Miller.

Inspired by the snowstorm outside, here are 7 snow-themed quilts to enjoy!

"Snowman" quilt by A E Nathan featured on Quilt Inspiration. 69" x 81."

"Snow Days in Teals" by Rose Ann Cook from Texas. Featured on Knot-y Girl's Stitchery Club.

"Snow Flake" by Margaret Conner Kean, 1930, Louisiana. Featured on the Quilt Index Blog.

"Blizzard in Blue" by the Pointless Quilter in California.

"Star Flakes" (two quilts) by Linda Guedel.


  1. I love them all, especially the feathered stars!

  2. That's one way to get snow here in Atlanta.

  3. What a delightful collection! The Snowman quilt is so cleverly designed and the top one such wonderful use of a white fabric. This is a nice treat as I look out my window at a blizzard in progress.

  4. Beautiful snow...unlike the dirty stuff we will be looking at for the next few months here on LI. Hope you have a prettier landscape where you are!

  5. What is the name of this book,where can I find it,is it paper pieced,thank You.

  6. Is the star flakes quilt pattern available for purchase?
