Friday, March 7, 2014

What's Your Culinary Specialty?

Let's have another give away while we wait for spring to show up! 
 Random winner announced next Wednesday Mar. 12
Your comment below is your entry. 
Tell us what food dish you are best at making. 
What do your friends hope you'll bring to a pot luck dinner? 
My specialty is apple pie. My dad showed me how to make it when I was little. 
I use McIntosh apples, a New England favorite.

Want to see similar pincushions?


  1. Sour cream coffee cake gets gobbled up every time. Love the blue and orange fabric.

  2. My friends always love my cheesy potatoes. Even the crusty edges get scraped off the pan. They are yummy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. barbeque beef brisket - there are never any leftovers.

  4. My kids say I make two things well--bread and soup. I feel sorry for them, they probably wish I would be good at dessert-y foods, but that's the way it is. At least they can always count on me for something sustaining.

  5. I'm really good at making reservations. Oh, and French toast.

  6. Roasted root vegetables...beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, parsnips, and leeks...balsamic vinegar, olive oil , pepper, garlic and rosemary...yummy!

  7. Congratulations Wanda for the win. I am required to bring Aunt Carm's Cheesecake to any gathering. I have been invited to the ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of the newly remodeled Silver Swap Studio on 3/21(the music studio space for my nephew's band The Michael Weber Show) and I will be bringing a cheesecake to go with the chicken, pizza, and cake. We even wrote a song about the cheesecake! Someday it will be as famous and Jimmy Buffet's cheeseburger song!

  8. I usually get requests for Carmel Popcorn - it is a favorite at our church bake sale and sells out to our volunteers before the sale even starts!
    Thanks for the give-a-way!!

  9. I get requests for my mashed potato casserole all the time. I think there would be a revolt at Thanksgiving if I just made regular mashed potatoes.

  10. My tilapia and mandarin dinner. My friends like for me to bring roasted/grilled veggies to parties. thk

  11. empanadas! little hand held pies with savory fillings.

  12. Italian Cream Cake - our favorite!

  13. I'm always asked for my Cranberry Pecan Cake at potlucks.....and it's so I gladly bring it! :o)

  14. Congratulations to Wanda. I am always asked to bring my 3 bean baked bean dish.

  15. People are usually happy to see me show up because I'm good on the clean up crew - my cooking leaves a lot to be desired!!

  16. My family really likes my stuffing at Thanksgiving.

  17. My best dish Cabbage Rolls.
    Thanks for the chance to win your lovely pincushion!

  18. I also make really good pie crust so my pies turn out great, even though I don't make it often now. My husband's choice for his birthday is always cherry pie.

  19. I make a really good banana cake.

  20. my family likes my beef roast with potatoes and carrots--a basic but seasoned and simmered until just right! and I recognized that Kaffe fabric right away! beautiful!

  21. My best dish: Beef Stew (for dinner) & Pumpkin Bread (dessert). Yum! Yum! -Brittany

  22. I make the best bread, warm and yeasty. My family loves it.

  23. I make the best bread, warm and yeasty. My family loves it.

  24. I think the most requested thing I make is my pumpkin roll.

  25. Paklava (baklava) is the dessert my family looks forward to my making for the holidays. I learned how from my great-grandmothers who made their own phyllo dough...I purchase mine as the process is so labor intensive.

    Thanks for providing an opportunity for us to share and to win.

    Stay warm...spring will soon be upon us...daylight savings, robins, and crocus tips poking up through the southerly edges of our home say so.

  26. My family's favorite dish that I make is baked beans. I have lots of bacon and lots of brown sugar with the onions. Yum! Since I don't make it very often (don't like to fry bacon on the stove because of the splatters), my family really enjoys it on those special occasions. It is good. Thanks for the chance to win.

  27. I make a traditional Scandinavian almond cake that a lot of friends like.
    Congrats to Wanda on that last pin win cushion. They are all so pretty.

  28. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cake - I have a recipe that gets gobbled up, and people always ask for the recipe. And its a really easy recipe!

  29. I am not much of a cook - not because I can't but because my husband is a gourmet cook. I'm pretty lucky there. When we go somewhere, they always request 'our' anti-pasto. Grilled veggies, good italian cheeses, smoked Italian coldcuts, olives, pepperocini, drizzled with olive oil and basamic. Yum.

  30. For pot lucks I make crockpot meatballs...very simple but I see people loading them up on their plates. Just take a bag of frozen meatballs, a bottle of your fav barbecue sauce and about a heaping teaspoon of spicey Montreal seasoning. Throw everything in a crockpot on low - yes even the frozen meatballs - for 2 hours..can go longer

  31. Deviled eggs are my specialty. I don't like cooking, etc. so any time I have to take a food something, it's my deviled eggs. When I'm supposed to bring a dessert, main dish or salad to my guild's potluck, they always tell me to bring my deviled eggs. They disappear quickly!

  32. Karen, please pass this hint on to Debra Crumbaker. Bake the bacon instead of frying it. Instructions can be found on the King Arthur Flour blog:

    25-35 minutes at 350 degrees, then: Yum! And SO much easier!
