Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Give Away! Red Rick Rack Basket

Let's have another give away! This little pincushion basket has a rick rack print cushion and two pretty pinsies. I put some rocks in the bottom so it has some weight and won't flop around when you use it. The rocks are wrapped in batting so they won't jingle around.

Your comment is your entry. Random winner announced on Monday March 24.
Tell us how old you were when you 
made your first quilt. I was 13. 

The winner of the little purse is Karen M. from Kentucky! 
Her blog is: Karen's Sewing Room. Congrats, Karen!


  1. Oh, my gosh, that's the cutest little basket pin cushion! Well, I crocheted and did stitchery starting around 10 years of age, but didn't begin quilting until about age 32. Thanks so much for the chance at the giveaway!

  2. Your little basket is so darling!

    I was 48. It took me awhile to get started and now there's no stopping me.

    13! Wow! When I was 13, most of my spare time was filled with baseball and roller skating. Then the Beatles came along...ahhh...

  3. 50! It was on my bucket list.

  4. What a lovely basket!! I started quilting at the age of 35,pregnant from my third son.

  5. I made a small child's quilt, embroidered with nursery rhymes when I was 14!
    Love those pinsies!

  6. That is sew cute. I was 50 when I made my first quilt. Guess I'm a late bloomer.

  7. I was already sewing by age 13, but I didn't make my first quilt until I was 57. Thanks.

  8. I was in my 60's. I'm a really late bloomer! Love the little basket.

  9. Very sweet pincushion!! I started quilting when my sister adopted her first child and I wanted to make a baby quilt... that was over 20 years ago!

  10. I was just learning to sew at 13 and was 20-ish when I made my first quilt.

  11. I have been sewing since I was 4 or 5. My babysitter and I used to make doll clothes and then by the time I was 8, I started making myself clothes. I made my first quilt when I was 14.

  12. I was 11. I bought a Kenmore sewing machine when I was 8, using the proceeds of the sale of a steer that I raised on our farm, with my parents help, of course. Three years later I had sewn many items of clothing, so my mother set me in front of her canvas bag of fabric scraps and I began learning the art of quilting. It's been over 50 years and I have been blessed and challenged by every stitch. Your pin cushions are delightful. I came to your blog via Exuberant Color.
    spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com

  13. Very darling pincushion. I was probably 25 when I made my first quilt. Don't quite remember, just know I had left overs from making little calico dresses for my daughters who had not yet rebelled and insisted on wearing pants.

  14. lol, 13?! :)
    I was a twice the age of 13 :)

  15. I started sewing when I was about 8 - made a jacket for my doll. I made my first quilt when I was 52! Your pincushion is so cute!

  16. I made my first quilt at age 17 - it was very simple. Just a fabric cut into big squares and sewn back together. My next venture in quilting was in 1989 as a gift for the birth of my Godchild and I have continued quilting ever since! Just love the pincushion - thanks for the give-a-way!!

  17. Although I've sewed clothing for 50 yrs. and always knew I'd quilt some day, my first quilt was completed at age 65! Thank you for the opportunity.

  18. I was 23. We bought a brass bed and didn't have enough money to also buy the quilt that was on it at the antique shop. So "we" decided to make one. Along the way I got hooked

    I love the pincushion. The basket reminds me of Nantucket Baskets and home.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. I started sewing when I was 8 or 9 - it was actually embroidering pillowcases that were stamped with sheep. I didn't discover quilting until I was about 23.

  20. I started sewing at 13 and got interested in quilting back in the mid-70's when quilting made a big comeback. My first quilt was a sunshine and shadow quilt for my first granddaughter's crib in 1977. I was 49 and am 85 now and still as goofy as ever about quilting!! Have recently made quilts for three great grandchildren!

  21. I was 42. Now I am addicted to quilting Love love this pin cushion.

  22. In my 20's - made a twin bed quilt for my daughter.

  23. Hi!!! Another late bloomer or should I say bloomer wanna be!!!! If I can finish borders basting quilting and binding one before April 27th I will still be 49 when I finish my first quilt!!!!! LOL!!!! Well it is about time I get to have some fun!!!! Thank You

  24. I crocheted and did hand needlework before quilting. I made pillows and small items before completing a quilt. I guess the first one was a baby quilt in the early 1990s and I was in my thirties. I wish I had kept a journal of my quilting then. Oh well. Love the ric rac!

  25. I was around 8. cream flannel or muslin back, alternating blocks of orange and green stairstep fashion.

    Haven't got a clue where the fabric came from beyond being from the rag box.

    My next quilt was at 21. I'm now 62 according to my husband and quilting and he are the two cornerstones of my entire adult life.

    The quilt was for the only doll I every had, dolls weren't my thing, books were ;)

  26. I was 19 and hadn't a clue but tried to make a quilt and gave up. Took a lesson in 1983 and I was hooked. So I was 36.

  27. I was 19 and hadn't a clue but tried to make a quilt and gave up. Took a lesson in 1983 and I was hooked. So I was 36.

  28. I was a 24-year old newlywed when I made my first quilt. I had always crafted and sewed a little. I used to make pincushions in small baskets with a small paper pieced block on top. Adding rocks in the bottom is a great idea!

  29. I was 27, pregnant with my firstborn daughter and made her a little quilt. I don't think it survived. Didn't make another until many years later. Your pincushion in the basket is wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. I was 28 and pregnant with my third child. I still have that quilt - in tatters now. I was about 13 when I finished my first rug hooking and my mom and I were doing needlepoint.

  31. I started my first quilt when I was about 15, but I have to admit I didn't finish it. My Mom did after I left for college and then she gave it to me when I got married. Of course, I still have it (smile).

  32. I was 50. My daughter left for college, and I decided it was time to learn a new activity. Sally in Saint Paul

  33. I was 50. My daughter left for college, and I decided it was time to learn a new activity. Sally in Saint Paul

  34. I was 17 when I made my first quilt, hand embroidered Now I lay me down to sleep blocks with sashing, machine quilted.

  35. That is so cute. I made my doll a quilt when I was 9, but then didn't quilt for another 15 years or so until I really started to quilt.

  36. Dugh.... I never thought of rocks in the bottom...let alone wrapping them with batting!

  37. I never made one yet, but I will!! I love to sew. I love this little pin cushion too!

  38. precious creation is this pincushion. I started quiltmaing at 35 with a totally hand made quilt class. too many quilts in my head to make so thank goodness for the modern quilting tools and techniques.

  39. Pretty sure I was about 35. My daughter had a doll bed made for her by her grandpa and I got a book from the library and made a little doll quilt. I never looked back.

  40. I was in my 40's!!
    Gorgeous pincushion!

  41. I was 34. I had just got remarried and my first quilt was for my stepdaughter. She was the only girl in our merged family with 5 brothers.

  42. I did my first patchwork when I was 18 (an apron for my sister) and my first quilt when I was 22 (for a design class in art school) but then there was a very long gap before I started quilting "seriously"

  43. Quilting was the last in a series of needlework adventures; I was 32 when I made my first quilt. LOVE that cute little basket pincushion!

  44. 29...wish I hadn't waited so long!

  45. I was nearly 30. I sewed from the time I was 13, but didn't take up quilting until after graduate school. Love every minute of it.

  46. I was 35 and I started out by hand quilting linings for handbags that a friend of mine used to make. I took off from there!

  47. I was 35 and I started out by hand quilting linings for handbags that a friend of mine used to make. I took off from there!

  48. I started my first quilt at 9 or 10 (cutting squares with my grandma), but didn't finish it for at least another 8 or 10 years. It fell apart in the first washing. I zigzagged it back together where the seams separated, and used it for a playmat for my first baby.

  49. a baby quilt in 1977 when I was 21

  50. Cute PC! I was 25. I made a baby blanket out of squares from making clothing. The most unlikely colors for a baby blankie... live and learn.
    My grandma made quilts, so at 13 I thought it was a grandma exclusive.

  51. I started sewing at 8, picked up knitting and crochet in my early teens, but didn't make a quilt until 2000. I guess I was about 45.

  52. I was 26 when I finished my first quilt. It was a baby quilt for my first nephew. He is now 21!

  53. I made my first quilt when I was 19, with my sister. We had only a vague idea of what we were doing, and no one to help. It's still with me! Next quilt I was 31, and haven't stopped since then!

    Love your little rickrack basket!

  54. This is actually a hard question for me to answer - because it depends on what you mean by a quilt. :)

    I learned to piece when I was 4+ by sewing long strips of fabrics (strings left over from my Grandma sewing Grandpa's shirts) to newspaper. Pretty much taught me how to sew a seam (heaven only knows what came of those bits!:)

    The first finished quilt I made was when I was about 24 or so ... I had two die-cut quilt kits from Lee Wards in Elgin Illinois (I lived in Madison, WI when I bought them; had gone down to Elgin for a Day Out with my husband's paternal grandmother whom I counted as a dear friend:). These kits were just squares of fabric - maybe 4" or 5"? (Was quite a long time ago now:). I laid them out in a diagonal color arrangement and sewed them up. Quilted by hand and turned the backing to the front for binding.

    :) Linda

  55. I was in my 50s when I made my first quilt..just a few years ago. Thanks for the sweet rick rack basket giveaway!

  56. After many false starts, I finally took a class and finished a Sampler quilt when I was 49. Then I took off... and now I can't stop!

  57. I was 10 or 11 when I first tried piecing. I made my first quilt when I was 45.

  58. Judging from many of the other comments, I was old! I was in my 30's but have always loved quilts. My daughter made her first quilt at age 12.

  59. I made my first quilt in 1992 for my grandson. Oh, my, I haven't looked back. I just turned 65 and don't know what would fill my days if I did not have things to sew and quilty sisters with whom to share the adventure. Thanks for the give-away!

  60. I made my first quilt when I was around 55. I had always wanted to but I had to learn how to sew first, Love the little basket pin cushion.

  61. EEK....I was 66yrs old. Moved to Nevada and met some quilters and that was the start of a whole new stash. I fell in love with Batiks.

  62. That is such a cute basket! I was 50 when I made my first quilt.

  63. I love this little Nantucket basket pincushion, thanks for the opportunity to win it!

  64. OOps - I forgot to say how old I was when I made my first quilt. 28 years old, going thru a divorce and trying to use up fabric scraps from clothing construction. - still like the Nantucket basket! :-)

  65. I was around 25. Then didnt make another until 41. Then the bug hit.

    Qlt7scrap at gmail dot com

  66. Super cute. Love baskets. Made first quilt at 35. Did mostly cross stitch and needlepoint before that.

  67. I was eight. Had lots of help from my mom.

  68. So cute, Karen! Great question. I think I was 37 when I started quilting. Didn't know I was supposed to have UFOs, so I finished the first few one after the other, right away. I started knitting and crocheting at age 6, then different types of embroidery, then garment sewing at 11. When quilting came along, there was no turning back! Although, I still do quite a bit of knitting and embroidery.

  69. I was 26 when I made a Quilt in a Day Log Cabin! I still love that pattern - and can actually make one in a day now. ;-)

  70. I made my first quilt when I was a newlywed in my early 20's using 3x5 cards as templates! That was 45 years ago!

  71. My first quilt was a Quilt In A Day log cabin made when I was about 30. It was a class. We really did piece that top in an eight hour class, but the instructor really cracked the whip and made us work non-stop. When we went to lunch she came to the restaurant to drag us back to class. I quilt at a more relaxed pace now.

  72. My first quilt was houses made from homespun fabrics when my first son went off to college and I was very sad. I was 45 and a friend asked me to take a quilt class with her. The rest is history.

  73. I was in my early 40s. I joined my guild in 1992.

  74. I was 16...but did not really get 'into' quilting until my 30's...now in in my 50's I can't imagine my life without quilting.

  75. I was 16...but did not really get 'into' quilting until my 30's...now in in my 50's I can't imagine my life without quilting.
