Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pincushion Giveaway!

I made this baby shoe pincushion from a flea market find in Bethlehem, CT. The cushion is silk dupioni. It makes a charming decoration for any sewing room. Enter the random drawing by leaving a comment on this post. Tell us what's going on in your quilt room. Mine is a mess. Lots of quilts and quilt ideas in the works. Winner will be announced on Friday. 


  1. Lovely little pincushion! Great gift idea to make.
    Lotta in Sweden

  2. My auilt room is ALWAYS a mess. I'll even bet is is way messier than yours!

  3. I'm working on a few projects for lap quilts and everything is a mess! I wish I had more space to spread out but I would probably make a bigger mess. Thanks for the giveaway, I love your pin cushion, so cute!

  4. Mine is always a mess - particularly so at the moment as the weather has improved so I'm spending time in the garden!

  5. My room is a total mess! Walk in, turn around, walk out. Desperately in need to sorting and cleaning but no time to do it due to numerous projects with deadlines.

  6. My sewing room is a mess too! Took a workshop on Thursday and that always makes a mess. Plus I have a new UFO! Cute pincushion - thanks for the giveaway.

  7. I do not know how i happens, but a lot of projects starts - almost - themselves. My nephew and my niece is booth expecting babies this summer, so I am making bibs, a playcenter and diaperbags. My younger brother is 50 this fall and he has asked for at new bedquilt, instead of the one I made for his wedding many years ago.
    At least I am nor bored.

  8. My sewing room is a mess too. But there is room for creativity. For the moment I am playing with pieced fox heads from Oh Fransson.
    I have some wonderful pastel cotton fabric from Japan that together with Quilters Linen will make the cutest lap quilt ever.
    Britt-Inger from Sweden

  9. Since I just finished a challenge piece, I am trying to clean up the sewing room so that I can work on the next thing on my list - a part of a BOM. That's a lovely little pincushion.

  10. I'm working on a pineapple quilt which has been on my bucket list for some quite time. I'm nearing the halfway mark! Lovely pincushion!

  11. In the process of making a spare bedroom into a sewing/quilting room. It has lots of natural light, more than my present sewing room. Love the Victorian looking pincushion. What a cute idea.

  12. My sewing room is actually clean, but it took almost all day yesterday to accomplish that feat. I'm working on a star quilt using vintage fabrics that I bought on Ebay.

  13. My sewing area is a bit messy... I've got to make time to tidy it up! The pin cushion is very cute!!

  14. My Quilting room is always a mess! At the moment I am working on an entry for the special category for the Quilt show at the Air Museum in September!
    Also I am making a wall hanging quilt for my Parents in England who celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary next month!

  15. Love that little shoe PC! I'm finishing up a BOM series.. ready to add borders. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. My sewing spaces are both messes. We have a weekend house (retirement home when we retire) and the house we commute to work from during the week. Both are out of control. But the weekend house has the "new baby" a new Elna 760 I bought at Paducah!! Weekend sewing is wonderful- mess or no mess. And the pin cushion is absolutely precious.

  17. My 'studio' is a mess right now too. I'm working on a couple of tshirt quilts and need the space cleaned up so I can see what's happening with them.
    Love the little shoe! I don't think I have ever seen one like this.

  18. Good morning Karen, binding for me today. I just got the quilt back from the quilter and am so excited to see it finished. Double sided as are all my quilt, with two of Bonnie Hunter's mysteries.

    Way darling pin cushion!
    Sharyn in Kalama

  19. I am in the process of making a new sewing room so mine is a huge mess right now, too!

    I love this little pinnie - for some reason it makes me think of the bronzed baby shoes, too.

    :) Linda

  20. I love the little pincushion and would LOVE to win it! So dainty and feminine!

  21. There is a lot of everything going on in my sewing room. And with that it looks like a mess. With a day set aside I will be able to organize and get back to the projects that are piling up. The pincushion is adorable. Thanks for a chance.

  22. What a lovely pincushion! thanks for the chance to win it.

  23. What a lovely pincushion! thanks for the chance to win it.

  24. Mine is also a mess, but getting less so. I am really trying to just throw out all those scraps I save. I just gave away all my 1.5 inch strips and 1.5 inch squares. I've decided they weren't a priority in my sewing life. Lovely pincushion! Thanks for the giveaway.

  25. Such a unique little pincushion. It's definitely the work of an inventive, artistic mind.
    Unfortunately my limited quilting space in my living room/dining room needs some major rearrangement and simplifying. That seems to be my constant goal, but I'm gradually achieving it. Right now the cleaning and simplifying have to wait till I return to Iowa from Georgia.
    Thanks for the giveaway, Karen.

  26. Lovely pincushion!
    In my quilt room? - a D4 for my Grandgirl's wedding - in mid June! You know there is no cleaning going on in there.

  27. Such a cute little pincushion!
    I'm trying to finish upp some UFOs.

  28. I have 50 little blocks with the state flowers all embroidered on them--ready to sew together for a quilt top. So I tip toe through my sewing room as I move them around! The pin cushion is so sweet--what a wonderful, thoughtful giveaway!

  29. I am about to cut out three quilts.

  30. Love this sweet pincushion. I am currently working on two Charity Quilts and also learning about Bonnie Hunter's Leaders and Enders technique by watching the Quilt Show and reading her book.

  31. Mine sewing area is not too bad, as long as you don't count the piles of "stuff".

  32. I'm in the process of putting things away, since we're getting company and my quilt room is also our guest room. Bummer!

  33. That pin cushion is adorable, I love it!

  34. Just returned from a 4 day retreat this evening. I cleaned my sewing room before I left so I get to unpack and have it all set to continue with my projects....well, after a little yard work!

  35. Nice pin cushion that you are giving away!

    Yes my sewing area is a mess. I had to collapse down my cutting table to make room for a portable design wall that there is really not room for. The quilt blocks on the wall are all different so I have to take one at a time to sew which I haven't started yet as the weather is getting better and other commitments.
    The design wall is likely to be a fixture taking up space for a while I'm afraid.

  36. This is just the sweetest little pincushion! My quilt studio is in pretty good shape right now. I worked all weekend sewing together units for the pieces I am working on right now and last night I decided to spend some time cleaning up the threads and trimmings. The room just felt so much better! I like cleaning up because then all those stray threads will not end up stuck to what I am working on.

  37. Mine is in an uproar as I am reorganizing before the summer fun begins.

  38. Mine is in an uproar as I am reorganizing before the summer fun begins.

  39. What? Quilt rooms aren't supposed to be messy? I do love the puncushion, pick me! Pick me! Sincerely, Paula K.

  40. It's a mess!! My sister just laughs when I call it "The Abyss"!

    Last summer I paid a college student to help me organize my sewing room. She was a great help and it was nice for about two weeks. Right now, I have to turn sideways and step over a few things to get to my machine.

    She will be on summer break soon so I'll call her again. She'll just smile, shake her head and get to work on it. It's a big help to me and the money is good for her.

    Darling pin cushion!

    By the way, Karen, a little friend of yours is hiding in my sewing room, I haven't seen him lately. He's probably jumped into the bin of scraps, I've been working on a postage stamp quilt lately.

  41. just got my sewing room organized so I can start some new projects

  42. lovely pin cushion!!!
    Please enter me in your drawing.
    Karin :)
    in NY
