Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wedding Annniversary!

Jason and I were married 36 years ago today (1978) in Southbury, CT.

Brian and David were born in 1983 and 1987.

Here we are in 2005: (left to right) David, Karen, Jason, and Brian.
Brian will be married in May 2015.
I don't know how we'll celebrate. Maybe we'll have some champagne and look at our old family photos. Or go to the place nearby where there are millions of daffodils in bloom. 

More quilt show photos to come tomorrow. Stay tuned.


  1. Big congrats to you and your husband!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like wonderful ways to celebrate your special day!

  3. Congratulations! And many more happy years together.
    I hope you go tiptoe through the daffodils, they are all done blooming down here but what a show!

    Lovely wedding gown.

    Happy Sewing

  4. Happy Anniversary! We were married in 1978 also :)

  5. Happy anniversary. The years fly by don't they? Here's to many more!

  6. all the very best and many happy returns of the best years of your life.

    Our wedding anniversary is the only holiday/event we celebrate any more. Unless it is a legal document I use it for my birth date.

  7. lovely wedding photo. That picture of your sons has to be a favorite. So dang cute!

  8. That's a long time, congrats! And have a nice day together with your husband ;-) Martina

  9. Loved seeing these special photos! Best wishes to you and your guys!!!

  10. Hooray! Hope you have a beautiful day!!

  11. Congratulations on 36 years. Have a great celebration!

  12. I'm a bit late in my good wishes, I hope your anniversary was wonderful!
