Thursday, June 12, 2014

Meet Rahna Summerlin of Blooming in Chintz!

Rahna Summerlin is an artist and quilter in Florida. Her blog is Blooming in Chintz.
I love her Pinterest boards. So much beauty and inspiration! You can follow her on Instagram too. I follow her everywhere:) That's easier than pinning everything on her sites!
Rahna made the quilt above. She quilts using a quilter's walking foot. See more photos on her blog. 
Nice work, Rahna!


  1. Rahna is the nicest lady, too! She came into our booth in Houston, and we have continued to communicate ever since. I love everything she makes!

  2. Thank you so much Karen for featuring me on your blog! And thank you Nedra for such a sweet comment! It's women like you that make quilting such a blast to be a part of! Love to all!
