Monday, July 7, 2014

Fabric Stash Humor

We already know that quilters have sizable fabric stashes, and that we always need a little more.  So what's to discuss? I knew of a quilter who hired an additional truck just for fabric when she moved her household. Now that's impressive! 


  1. Goodbye to stash-guilt and all of that.

  2. It is our paint, artists need medium. Painters don't just buy enough - they just don't sell paint that way. So if we buy some on speculation, well, it's helping the economy. You need to keep your LQS in business! LOL

  3. I really had to laugh when I saw this post, because I've been trying so hard to reduce the size of my stash. And then this morning I pulled an "empty" plastic tub out of our storage area - and discovered it was packed full of fabric. It has been sitting in storage for 8 years because that was when we moved and I packed those tubs. More stash . ..
