Monday, July 14, 2014

June Calender's New Quilt

June Calender just finished this patriotic center medallion quilt. She says she was inspired by my Adirondack quilt. June enjoyed making this quilt and may make another one for her just-out-of -law-school grandson for Christmas. Lucky guy! 

This is June's fan quilt in progress. She says making fans is easy. I agree. See easy fan pattern here
June's blog is appropriately called Calender Pages
P.S. She lives on lovely Cape Cod! I imagine her front yard looks like this, but I can't say for sure. :)


  1. Thank you, Karen! Don't I wish my front lawn looked like that. I'm about 3 minutes from the beach but the water part is something I enjoy very much all summer long.

  2. I'd like to get to the Cape this fall to see the whales! That is so much fun. We take one of the boats from Provincetown. It's been a long time.
