Saturday, September 27, 2014


This print was posted on moth speaker on Tumbler. Hand prints, maybe with signatures, might make an interesting quilt. You'd need fabric paint, but JoAnn stores have it in every color. How about adding beads, embroidery, buttons and charms for a crazy quilt look? Or a clean black and white format is nice too. I'm starting to feel a new quilt coming on!
Have you made a quilt featuring hands? Email a photo and I'll share it here.


  1. The hand print idea has been on my mind for quite a while. This may be a bit of shove in that direction for a project over the winter. Thanks for the post

  2. I did quilt around paper cut outs of my hands once. I don't think I took a picture. Quilting doesn't always show up.

  3. Looks like a great idea for an end of the year quilt for a teacher. Just need a crafty mom in the mix, it could happen!
