Thursday, November 13, 2014

Simply Strings Book and Giveaway!

Rana has created an inspiring string quilt book that covers all the basics and has some very new ideas too. One of my favorite modern style quilts is shown below, "Organic." The string vine has some bias pieces in there for easy curving, and see the little yoyo berries? So clever! 
See the GIVEAWAY below. 

I often "read" quilt books by just looking at the pictures, but Rana's text is fun to read. It's like chatting with a very interesting friend about string quilts. 

Enter the GIVEAWAY for this book by leaving a comment below. Answer the question: How many quilt tops do you think you could make with the scraps that you have right now?

Two random winners will be announced here next week, Wednesday Nov. 20.

I'm sure Rana would appreciate it if you'd spread the word about her new book in your social media forums. This is going to be a popular book. Nice job, Rana!


  1. Okay, this is bad. If you include inherited ones from elderly parents downsizing, at least three. I don't want to even contemplate more!

  2. I recently have cleared out my scrap bag with quilt tops, but somehow they multiply like bunnies! If I had to guess...probably 4-5! Love what I see in this book. Sorry for the multiple comments????? Not sure how!

  3. At least six, if not more. I have so many scraps! Notice I did not say too many, lol.

  4. Probably a couple from scraps--but no telling how many I could make from the drawers of fabric pieces. More than a lifetime of quilts.

  5. I LOVE that Organic pattern! I am sure I have enough scraps o make at least 10 quilts.

  6. I'm sure I could make at least 8 quilts with my scrap basket.

  7. My "scrap system" is a large trash can on wheels wherein the scraps are divided by color into grocery bags.... I could sew an easy dozen full to queen size quilts with just the right bolt of background fabric!

  8. This looks like a great book! Using my current scrap collection, I could probably make 20+ quilt tops, but the good news is, it's all sorted by color....well, almost....

  9. I think like Donna does. I could make about 8 from actual scraps. But if you count fabric pieces (and now we're splitting hairs about what is a scrap and what is still a "piece of fabric"), I could make a lifetime of scrap quilts. And that's what I plan to do too.

  10. I'm sure I could make about 5 quilt tops with the scraps and strings I currently have. Now - if I add in my box of selvages, then I could make at least another 1 or 2. But I'm always working on a string or scrap quilt top so they aren't going to waste.

  11. I keep all my scraps in a large bag next to my sewing machine. Off the top of my head, I could make 5-6 full to queen size quilts.

  12. I've been using up the scraps, but I'd say three right now.

  13. I could probably make about 7, but the last two would probably be very ugly.

  14. Most definitely it would depend on the size of the quilt but I guess I could make about 3 lap sized ones.

  15. I am guessing that I could make only two - but it is definitely a guess!

  16. I have been giving my scraps to one of my Aunts over the past 15 years. She loves to hand piece and quilt and has made about 15 quilts with the scraps I've given her. :)

    Right now I probably have enough scraps on hand to make one twin bed quilt top ... 'course, that could get bigger at any time since I've retired. :)


  17. Sûrement de très bonnes idées dans ce livre !

  18. About 24,000. I have a lot of fabric and even more scraps.

  19. Oh, easily 20. And that's after culling a lot of fabric to make Meals on Wheels placemats in the past month.

  20. Currently there are 6 scrap projects in the design process...could probably become 10 easily!

  21. Just scraps, themselves, probably 4 or 5. If I use my stash.... I could never use them up in my lifetime. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  22. That's a hilarious question and I, undoubtedly, could make up to 10 queen size quilt tops with my scraps. Honest. It's possible I could even piece enough backing for all of them too. Gasp.

  23. From my "cut-up and organized" scraps...probably 5. From the scraps waiting to be cut-up and organized...another 3!

  24. I think I could make two quilts from my scraps. I could make many more from my stash but most of my stash doesn't qualify as scraps.

  25. OMG! I MuST have this book! I could do 50, 60......geez, maybe 100 quilts with my scrap piles, boxes and bags. I can't toss ANYTHING out!


  26. I taught my son's class last year to make string quilt blocks (result was a lap size) and we didn't even touch the sides of the I am guessing 3 decent sized quilts! Love the pattern you shared, thanks for a chance to win.

  27. Love the look of the organic scrap quilt! this promises to be a wonderful book - thanks for the opportunity. My scraps would need considerable sorting but I think there could be half a dozen quilts in there - especially if there was a lot of cream background ...

  28. I love the organic quilt!
    I reckon I've got enough scraps to make at least two quilts!

  29. I could probably make 4 big uilts using JUST SCRAPS then maybe a few more if I used the scraps as orange peels or appliqued shapes of some sort. Sounds like a fab challenge!!

  30. Oh dear, the amount of quilts from my multiplying scraps???!!!! OK, I am going for ten, and that is only if I don't start any with new fabric which, of course, will generate even MORE scraps to contend with!

  31. Scraps always go much farther than you think--probably at least 10 quilts and if you include my selvages, probably 20--yes, I have tubs and tubs of selvages. When I started making things with selvages, my friends started bringing me bags and bags! Lucky me!

  32. with the scraps I have right now on hand I could probably make 20+ big quilts. I LOVE scraps and organize mine by size and color. And I use them too....but they seem to breed like bunnies.

  33. Probably more than I think but I'm guessing three.

  34. I could make several and maybe as many as ten. Most of my quilts are scrappy - what could be better?

  35. Thanks for the chance to win, it looks like a fantastic book.
    Oh I have 2 big boxes full of scraps, enough for 4 big quilts maybe?

  36. Probably about 10 as my scraps seem to multiply. If you count all the pieces and parts and orphan blocks, another 10. Really like the scrappy leaves on book page.

  37. A minimum of 2 queen size tops. Between strings and selvages, there are 3 of the large canvas tote bags full.

  38. I could probably make at least 10 quilt tops with the scraps I have right now. I think they reproduce at night. Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. Maybe 5 or 6 maybe more!!! Looks like a fun book:)Thanks

  40. Ok I'm such a new sewer that I have to say zero! But I know that number will change in no time :) this book is so appealing to me - I love the scrappy look!!

  41. Just one. Shared scraps recently at a guild meeting and so have only one bin full at the moment.

  42. Since I share my scraps I could only do one, but we won't discuss my yardage stash! Thanks for the nice giveaway.

  43. I"m a beginner so I don't have many scraps yet but my growing collection of fat quarters is another story!

  44. I easily have at least 10 quilt tops among my scraps. They just keep multiplying. Looks like an interesting book.


  45. Scraps. . .okay I'm close to being a fabricaholic. I feel I could make probably 20 tops. The book looks great to help me with those 20 okay maybe 25 tips.

  46. My scrap containers runneth over, and that includes bins, boxes, and bags. I trim and sort and use them, but my scraps never seem to diminish. It doesn't help that I can't say "no" to friends who will throw away scraps if I don't take them. That's OK, as scrap quilts are my favorites.
    I easily have enough for 25-30 quilts, and maybe more. I know I have a lifetime of scrappy fun ahead of me.
    Looks like a fun book.

  47. I keep a pretty small scrap pile -- what I have is in an ice cream pail, so I would say a baby quilt.

  48. Oh my goodness! I could probably make at least a dozen, lol!

  49. I have just sewn 2 scraps quilts, and I think I have for 1 more left! I love to challenge my self which scraps :)

  50. Not that many - maybe just the one? I moved country a year ago and am about to do it again so my stash is smaller than I might like!

  51. I could make dozens of quilts from my scraps right now. but that is normally how i quilt....selvages, strings, scraps. they are my favorites.

  52. I am working on a scrap quilt now and thought I was making progress on depleting my scraps. Ha! I could make probably 20 quilts with my scraps. I better get busy!

  53. I could probably stitch at least ten tops! I love scraps.

  54. Probably 6. Thanks for the chance.


  55. OOOOooo way to many quilts to count! LOL I am now giving away fabric when I buy new yardage. There is no way I can use it up!! (Although I would like to try!!!) mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  56. I'm new at sewing and don't have a large stash of scraps yet, so maybe one. dawnm1993 at gmail dot com

  57. I have two scrap quilts on the go and probably another two possibilities too. I adore scraps.!

  58. Counting everything except true "yardage", in other words all scraps and pieces that have already been cut into, I could make at least 50 quilts. Seriously. Maybe more. Thank you for the chance to win; this book looks great!

  59. I used two totes of strings to make 385 10 inch string blocks. I have collected another two totes of strings. We use them to make the backs of our charity quits. I have four tops cut out for crazy patch quilts from less than fat quarter scraps in coordinated colorways. Still have piles and piles of scraps. So I would say probably 25 or more. My friend and I plan on 100 charity twin sized tops next year. She says she will machine quilt two per week.

  60. I could make 3-4 tops from scraps, but a lot more from yardage.

  61. Actually, I am pretty good with using up my scraps. I use them for machine applique and make scrappy pot holders. With what I have currently, I could probably make one small lap quilt...but it would be gorgeous!

  62. I collect fabric scraps like other quilters collect yardage fabric. I prefer the scraps and my quilting friends love to oblige my addiction by giving me their scraps. I have enough right now to make probably 15 twin string block quilts.

  63. HAHA! What a question!! I will guess 25. Is that scary??

  64. I've only been quilting a few years, so maybe 3? I'm not sure. cdahlgren at live dot com

  65. Creo que 2 ó 3 como mucho. Soy bastante nueva en esto y procuro aprovecharlo todo. Ya me parece demasiado, necesito el libro para no sepultarme bajo retales!!!

  66. Oh easily five or six. Looks like a great book. TY!

  67. I love scraps! I could probably make 4-5 tops with what I have on hand.

  68. This book looks awesome. I could probably make 5 tops.

  69. I am certain I could make 5. Bed sized!

  70. I could possibly make two quilts - must build up the scrap bucket!

  71. I could probably make about 50 tops with the scraps I have right now. I started making some "lasagna" quilts with my strips, thinking I had enough strips to make 3 or 4. After making 12, I'm wondering if Rumplestiltskin is in that bin making more strips!

    Thanks for telling us about this book, I'm putting it on my Amazon wish list.

  72. Not sure but I think at least 5 bed size quilts.
