Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sujata's New Book

I can't wait to see Sujata's new book: Cultural Fusion Quilts. You know Sujata's wonderful quilts from her blog: The Root Connection. She makes maverick quilts in the liberated tradition with awesome colors. Yayy, Sujata!


  1. That cover quilt is amazing -- "Liberated tradition" is a great term. I think a good many quits that are now being called "modern" should probably be called "liberated".225

  2. I like the term - 'Liberated tradition' too. The book is filled with free-form traditional blocks and it's freeing with lot of possibilities for new and experienced quilters. Thank you for the shout out.

  3. Awesome colors, for sure! Sujata is a color wizard.
