Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lose Quilting Time?

 Just take the hour from something else! 

Hurry up, Spring! Sadly this photo isn't from my yard, it's from Google.

This is the view from a window in my house. The snow is knee deep.


  1. I went and bought some spring bulbs from the grocery store and they are blooming. Brings a bit of spring indoors - not bad for 99 cents a pot. I think I'll get some cut tulips now and deliver them to my daughter and daughter-in-law.

  2. My crocuses, forsythia, and one daffodil are now blooming--way, way too early. Normally it is Easter time. I am expecting snow for Easter instead. :) It is going to be a sad spring with the flowering bulbs all gone before May.

  3. In our part of the world we will be gaining an extra hour of quilting time, not losing it, when our clocks change at the end of daylight saving.
