Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Extraordinary Quilting!

Have you ever seen such quilting? Amazing! I love this.

I found this photo on Pinterest. Searching for the source led me to a nasty site. 
If you know who did this awesome quilting, please leave a comment.


  1. WOW!!! Never saw anything like this.

  2. I don't know the source, but it looks like something Angela Walters might do.

  3. Oh oh. I still chuckle about a friend who wanted to check on the hours of Dick's Sporting Goods. She told me NEVER to forget to add the "Sporting Goods" when you google this store!

  4. I doesn't looks like quilting to me but something even more intricate from nature or some form of sculpture/3D image.

  5. It looks more like someone knitted this. If you look real close it looks like yarn.

  6. That looks like a fractal from a digital fractal image program. But it sure is pretty!

  7. Hi. I did a google lens seach for it and it is computer-made. Beautiful
