Friday, October 13, 2017

Mary's Amazing New Selvage Quilt

Mary just finished this mind-boggling selvage quilt! There are 256 blocks (16 x 16). I love the busy look of this quilt. Lots of white, but still some bits of color, I like the turquoise here and there.
Nice work, Mary!

I can't imagine what this little quilting kitty is thinking. 


  1. Mind altering! great job love it How long did it take? Superb WILD

  2. love it. I wonder if I have enough selvages for a somewhat smaller version?
    Lots of sewing but the look is so fine.

  3. Amazing what one can do with a whole bunch of selvedges! It looks wonderful - even the cat thinks so.

  4. I am amazed :o How long did it take? I can not imagine any quilting with so many seams... WOW!

  5. Now THAT is a lot of selvages!! Wonder if it has batting in it or just a backing. I bet it's heavy with all the thread and seams.
