Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Vintage Tortoise Box

Isn't this an interesting vintage purse? Stephanie in Ohio has it listed in her Etsy shop Richard and Ruthie. I've never seen one like this. It's made out of Lucite, and it stands 4" tall, not including the handle. 

I've been busy making sea urchin pincushions (see sidebar), and I'm thinking about having a giveaway. They look awesome on a windowsill in the sun. 


  1. The sea urchin pincushions are clever and gorgeous, Karen. In CA earlier this month, I saw a gorgeous pink and red sea urchin-in an antique store-and it would have come home with me if not for the price. ha-ha. All of your pincushions are creative, of course.

  2. I had a purse like that when I was a child, it was a pearly white! Love your blog!

  3. I think I may still have a purse like this one -- that belonged to my mother. Not sure if it's buried in my basement or if mom gave it to Goodwill. Will have to keep my eyes on the look out for it!

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my purse on your beautiful blog! I can't wait to take look around!

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my purse on your beautiful blog! I can't wait to take look around!
