Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Turkey Neighbors

I was quilting this morning when I noticed these turkeys had come by for a visit. I was hoping they'd fan their feathers for a great photo, but they weren't in the mood. 

Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird rather than the bald eagle. He praised the turkey as courageous, but said the eagle was of bad moral character, earning his living dishonestly. I saw no evidence of moral character or the lack of it. We just looked at each other for a little while. 

I'll show you my quilt tomorrow.


  1. We have seen a lot of turkeys roaming in our neck of the country as well. On Sunday on the way to church we saw at least 20 of them out in a field.

  2. Interesting you have turkeys today on your blog. Today at the Bayberry Quiter's meeting (Cape Cod), our speaker, Foncy Quinn, spoke about and showed antique quilts using "Turkey red" -- which, of course has nothing to do with American turkeys since the "Turkey" refers to Asia, specifically the Ottoman Empire which first discovered how to make a red dye that would not fade when used on cotton. The world is full of coincidences.

  3. We have buzzards and nutria rats here in Louisiana. And a few bald eagles in the swamps are making a come back.

