Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane is Over - See This Photo

I found this photo from Milford, CT (shoreline) while browsing the Internet today.
The kids in Milford will long remember this scene!
The hurricane is over for us. The wind has ceased and it's quiet again. We didn't lose power, and we didn't have any serious damage. It was good quilt-making time. 
I hope all is well with you and yours.


  1. Oh Dear!
    I feel sorry for the poor lineman that has to take care of that.
    I'm amazed that the power lines held it up!

    Be safe out there and Happy Sewing

  2. I've heard of Halloween pranks but seriously???!!!

  3. Yet another reason to think about trampoline safety. WOW

  4. Glad you survived with no damage. The pictures on TV are horrifying. Makes me remember Katrina. I am sure the NE people will come back faster with fewer complaints and problems though.


  5. Glad to hear you came thru the hurricane ok. I saw this tramp on the news - it is going to be a big job to get it down! Take care!
