Sunday, October 14, 2012

Orange "World" Quilt

Remember earlier this year when we made "blocks" measuring 55" wide x 6" tall? I put them together into a quilt which I named the "World Quilt" because the makers were from all over the  world. It now lives in Florida with the Quilting Violinist

I'm working on a similar quilt now. It will measure 60" x 60." It should be red-orange in the center, fading to stark white along the sides. Bits of other colors are okay. The strips were cut 1.5" wide.  They'll be about 1" when pieced, of course. A few at the top are already sewn together. I'm still playing around with it. That's the fun part though. I'll show you how it goes.

You need to view a lot of your stash to get this quilt together!


  1. This is going to be gorgeous! I can't wait to see how it progresses.

  2. This is looking the last photo of all the fabric everywhere....such a hassle to put it all back away :)

  3. I love seeing all the fabric spread on the floor.
    Watching the colors and textures come together to create an amazing swath of color.
    Such a simple idea that becomes a wonderful quilt!

  4. This will be gorgeous. Love all that color!

  5. Oh I love to pull out my stash mixing and matching colors and textures.... it's putting it away I'm not so darn good at! The thumb nail of this picture on my blog looks like looking up into the sun from the underside of fall foliage. It's gonna be a stunner!

    Happy Sewing

  6. Interesting, isn't it! I have a stash that probably fills 1/3 of my house.....and I'll bet I couldn't find 3 pieces of orange. I never realized it until now. Do I have an aversion to it??????? Think so. But I love how this is coming together

  7. its so exciting watching you work.

  8. I am in LOVE with this quilt! Thanks for sharing! I hope you don't mind, but i've been looking for an idea for a wall quilt for our family room and I think I've found it!

    I am constantly creating enormous scrappy messes - wonder how you deal with the cleanup. Any tips for me?

  9. Hi Liz,

    I think that's a great idea to make a quilt like this for your wall. Show us when you're done.

    I have no suggestions about managing a scrap quilt fabric mess. Haha. Just big plastic scrap bins, I guess. Happy quilting!

