Sunday, October 28, 2012

Quilters Prepare for Storm

Quilters on the East Coast of the US are preparing for several days of non-stop quilting! 
Storm supplies: Fabric and thread? Check. Food and water? Check. Generator for basics like heat and sewing machine? Check. Tea and cookies? Check. I'm ready.

This NOAA satellite photo taken 2 days ago shows that we won't be going anywhere soon. Schools are already cancelled for Monday and Tuesday. That's the spirit.

I'm feeling like a big scrap quilt. How about you? Check back for Storm/Quilt updates.


  1. Same here in NJ. I'll be happy as long we don't lose power for an extended period of time. Oh, and I hope our basement doesn't flood. But my pins and needles are ready!

  2. I put bindings on 5 quilts yesterday and today to get ready for lots of hand sewing if we lose power..
    hoping it won't be as bad as they are saying...

  3. Here is a link for the National Radar. We keep a close eye on these storms too.

  4. I'm ready here north of Baltimore! I have an apple pie baking now, the generator prepped and the extension cords ready!

  5. I'm set in NJ. Picked up a couple new fabrics this morning for my storm preparations. Food, water, sewing stuff... check. Ready and waiting for the direct hit here.

  6. Hope you are all going to stay safe and I will be thinking of you all

  7. Hang in there and be safe! Glad to hear that you have all the quilters necessities all lined up!

  8. I feel for y'all. I'm from New Orleans! Stay safe.


  9. Sounds like you're ready. Best wishes to all those affected.
