Saturday, December 1, 2012

GIVEAWAY: 15 Minutes Play! Join the Blog Hop

"Makin' Me Crazy" (above) by Victoria Findlay Wolfe.

Do you love improvisational quilts? Liberated quilts? Maverick quilts? String quilts?
Whatever you call them, aren't they the best? They're my favorites!
 Now there's a book full of inspiration for improvisational quilt lovers!

The very best book on improv quilts is: 15 Minutes of Play by my friend Victoria Findlay Wolfe.  
 If you want to be inspired, you owe it to yourself to get a copy of her book. 

Scraps never looked so good! This is improvisational piecing reinvented - learn how to create your own creatively-collaged swatches of fabric in just 15 minutes a day. As you play, you'll sharpen your design skills and learn more about combining colors and prints in new ways. Discover just how distinctive classic blocks like Sawtooth Star or Flying Geese can be, when they're constructed with more spunk and spontaneity! 

You can win one right here by leaving a comment on this post. (US winners receive a hard copy of the book. International winners receive a Electronic copy of the book, direct from C&T.)

Winner announced on Dec. 12!

QUESTIONS: Does Victoria sew with her shoes on? Does she listen to music or does she prefer quiet? I've posed these questions to Victoria and her answers will appear among the comments today.
Tell us your answers too. (Winner will be picked at random.)

For more chances to win, visit the blog hop locations every day and enter there too!

 I made this red and white version (below) a few years ago and I love it. There are 4 of my quilts in Victoria's book (this red and white quilt is not in the book). I'm so thrilled to be part of this project.
This book is going to be a classic.

Happy blog hopping! Here's a "map" for you:

Dec 2nd: Angela Walters
Dec 3rd: Generation Q
Dec 4th: Tonya Ricucci
Dec 5th: Michele Foster
Dec 6th: Scott Hansen
Dec 7th: Amy Ellis
Dec 8th: Rachael daisy
Dec 9th: Jackie Kunkel
Dec. 10th: C & T Publishing


  1. This is a book I would LOVE! Thanks for hosting a great give away!--Can't believe I'm the first to post a comment; Am sure I won't be the last! Love your blog!

  2. This is one of the most beautiful and enjoyable books I have ever read. It made me want to pull out my scrap box and get busy!

    I wear shoes when I'm sewing and I listen to audio books. I've "read" thousands of books over the past years.

    I'd like to say to others, if you don't win it, go buy it, you'll be glad you did! I just bought another one so I can give it to my sister, she needs to have a little fun too!

  3. This book looks fabulous! The quilts are amazing.

  4. This looks like a book that is totally fun AND very useful! Thanks for the opportunity to win this great giveaway!

  5. I love the scrappy quilt on the book! Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. I love scrappy quilts! Book looks like a keeper. Thanks for the chance of a give away!

  7. I love scrappy quilts! Book looks like a keeper. Thanks for the chance of a give away!

  8. posso partecipare pure io??? adoro gli scrappy quilts!!

  9. Today I am beginning a mod-mosaic quilt! I have been so afraid to start this quilt, but I'm going to give it a go...knees are shakin, hands are clammy and my heart is racing, but I'm going to start on it!

    I'd love to have Victoria's book...I'm sure it would spur me on to more improvisational quilts.

    Thanks for the opportunity. (My stash also thanks you!

  10. Thanks for the giveaway.......I sew with my shoes on
    seems I get better control and am a whole lot warmer.

  11. Shoes on. I drop so much stuff it would be dangerous otherwise!

  12. i am an equal opportunity sewer...with our without shoes for me. love victorias work! thanks for a chance at the book

  13. It looks nice this book. I can'g buy it in Holland, I want it to win it here. I have a lot of scraps.

  14. It looks nice this book. I can'g buy it in Holland, I want it to win it here. I have a lot of scraps.

  15. Good morning! LOVE Victoria's book, I am in it too, eek so exciting! I always wear shoes, usually my slippers! And sometimes music is on, but usually it's the tv - either dramas or cooking or I'll pop in a movie.

  16. I've tried to sew with my Jimmy Choo shoes but the 4" heels kept getting in the way... Hard to step on the pedal in heels!
    I prefer barefoot.. If I could live barefoot everyday, all day, I would... I really have a love hate thing with shoes... and I love a mean pedicure!

    20% of the time, I need music...Usually when I have people over, and I'm sort of randomly playing around...

    I love LOUD music if at all...Bluegrass, Metallica with the Symphony, or Maria Callas singing opera All LOUD, so I can't hear my head!

    80% of the time I am in silence...My head can be so loud, I need to hear all the questions I'm asking myself as I play...I fly from one thing to the next,and before I know it, the day is gone, and a quilt is up on the wall...THEN, I put on music and dance around!

  17. Thanks for sharing. Victoria is inspiring!
    I always sew with shoes on. If not, I'm afraid I might step on one of those lost pins. I like to have the TV or video on while I sew although I mostly listen.

  18. Love, love, love scrap quilts! The book looks like a must-have (winning one would be just great but I'll purchase it otherwise).

    I prefer to sew barefooted but in winter with drafts I wear warm socks or slippers. Often I have a radio playing classical music but mostly I don't really notice what's playing so if it's not on, I hardly notice.

  19. This book looks fantastic, I read Victoria's blogs and find much inspiration!
    I sew with my shoes (flip flops) on...and just LOVE QUIET...just the hum of the machine!

  20. I sew with my shoes off and my radio on!!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  21. Okay, now I have a picture in my head of all these barefooted quilters dancing as they sew!!! I like to be barefooted, too (although it is a surefire way to find some pins!). I usually sew to music (sometimes I have the computer on with hulu playing a show).

  22. I think she sews shoes off, like I do. I don't know about the music. I like to sew in perfect quietness! Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. Barefoot, maybe socks or slippers, never shoes. Either music, talk radio, or audio books to keep me company. Love this book. Good luck all.

  24. I'm into the barefoot sewing but I like some noise. Lately it's been DVD's of TV shows long past. Been cycling through Beauty and the Beast and listening to poetry from Vincent. Yes!

  25. That looks like a fun book to have! Thanks for the chance to win it in your giveaway!

  26. Shoes off and TV in the background. This book would be the inspiration I need to be more improvisational.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  27. I sew with shoes on. I have no heat in my sewing room. My toes would be numb. Victoria sews without shoes, the 4" heals got in the way.

  28. Thanks for sharing, would love to have more inspiration to quilt. Like I need more.

  29. Love scrappy quilts with the variety of color and placement. Thanks for the chance to win.

  30. Shoes off & quiet for me. I never have shoes on in the house - I'm. From Hawaii - nd I can't solve world problems with any noise distractions.

  31. I sew barefoot but quilt with shoes on and I listen to NPR.

    Looks like a wonderful book of scrappy quilts!

  32. My shoes drop off as I walk in the house and I do love some background noise. Today I begin a new adventure called retirement after 30 years of working as a high school secretary. This book looks like a great place to start a new project. Congratulations on your participation in this work of art.

  33. No shoes for me, I am always barefoot! I listen to Radio Paradise or Pandora while sewing, and also have the ABC player app on my iPad so there's catch up on tv shows I don't get to watch in the evenings.

    Thanks for the giveaway

  34. I sew with shoes on, and I need to wear them to keep my body in line.

    This book looks like a must have for us scrap quilters.

  35. Can't wait to see this book. I ordered a signed copy from Victoria, but would love to win a copy to give to my sister!

  36. I haven't gotten book yet and would love to win a copy. Love your red quilt.

  37. I sew with shoes (slippers) on. I need quiet to concentrate, but listen to music from a range of styles when I'm doing routine sewing.

  38. WOW!!! I am new to your blog and will be returning for sure!! Love your red improv quilt (my favorite color). I would love to learn how Victoria makes her blocks so exciting. I sew with either one shoe off or some times kick them both off when I'm in my sewing mode. I don't normally go barefoot, but my foot likes to curl around the pedal I guess.

  39. Shoes on and sometimes my steel toed boots if I can get a little sewing time in before I go to work! No music most of the time.

    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  40. I sew without my shoes on, and I listen to an audiobook while I sew.
    I would love to have a chance to win a copy of the book

  41. I sew with shoes/slippers when it's cold or without when it's warm! Usually listen to radio or TV, depending on what's on!

  42. Thank goodness shoes are not required when sewing! Music or Tv is a sometime thing. I like quiet but I hate the hum in my Ott light. Gotta do something about that!

  43. Looks like fun! I listen to music low and sew with or without shoes. I want to starting listening to books just haven't gotten into it yet at home. Thanks, connie

  44. I love your red quilt! Would love to get a book.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

    ( I never sew with my shoes there a reason people wear shoes?)

  45. Would love to win this book. I like to sew without any shoes on. Prefer music or tv for the background noise.

  46. Love Victoria's book and her quilts and her! She is amazing.

  47. Hope I win, would love to have this book! I sew bare footed, I just have to feel the pedal. TV is on in another room, it's just background noise!
    lisamcgriff at hotmail dot com

  48. Victoria probably sews with her shoes on - I have to take off at least the right one- the gas pedal foot.
    I would think Victoria listens to music or maybe audio books. I like quite or maybe a movie on the TV- depends on my mood.

  49. Like V I am a barefoot quilter...not surprised if she has music on it is on full steam! I hate to admit I have the news on the TV most of the time when I sew...old habits die hard! The book is wonderful...such fun techniques!

  50. I mostly sew with shoes on and I listen to audiobooks while I sew too. Love V's improvisational style of quilting...I think following her blog has helped me to loosen up as a quilter. She gets more done before noon than I get done in a week....she is prolific!

  51. I'd like to see some of those string piecing/improv blocks done including some SELVAGES!

  52. I cannot sew with shoes on. I've tried. Impossible. Even socks are questionable. Good thing I live in Florida. V's book looks yummy!

  53. Shoes off and music on for Victoria (most of the time)! And for me - no music and no shoes!

  54. I would say with rocking out to music and probably with her shoes off, but I hope no one uses a rotary cutter without shoes!

  55. The more I see this book, the more I want it :)!! Such great colors - they really draw you in.

  56. I almost always wear shoes at home, so I sew with shoes, and usually with the radio playing country music. Your red quilt is awesome!

  57. No shoes for me! Socks are okay, but definitely no shoes. I like to listen to music on Pandora, podcasts or talk radio. Maybe I'll try cranking up the music like Victoria. Not sure.

    It's so nice to read all the comments here today. Welcome, everybody!

  58. I think this is one of those books you will use for years. I sew with shoes off and music or old movies playing. Thanks for the chance.

  59. Got to love this book! So much inspiration. To us old schooled it's like it gives us permission to break the rules. I sew shoeless when ever possible and my favorite is either audio books or tv for background. The ultimate is when Bonnie Hunter has her quilt cam up.

  60. I would absolutely LOVE to win a copy of this book! Thanks for the chance ~ Jeanne

  61. The book looks inspiring. The quilts look amazing and creative. Would love to win a copy. I sew barefoot until winter, then with socks!

  62. I sew with my toes free, but give me this book, and I'd be willing to try sewing with shoes on.

  63. The book looks like a lot of fun. I wear shoes and listen to audio books in my sewing room.

  64. oops, i forgot to answer the questions... I sew with shoes off, and preferably in my pajamas. i sometimes listen to music on my ipod, but mostly love to listen to books. right now I am listening to a FABULOUS reading of Lord of the Rings. right now I am sewing selvage hot pads for xmas presents.

  65. Would love to own this book! It would be fantastic to win it!
    Thank you!

  66. I'd guess she sews barefoot and listens to jazz and bluegrass! The book looks fantastic!

  67. Shoes on and no music for me - love V's inspirational & creative book! Thank you!

  68. Thank you for hosting the giveaway. Would love to own this fantastic book. I sew barefoot, find I have more control. It is usually quiet in the house, but sometimes my son is playing wonderful loud music on his guitar.

  69. So intrigued by this book.... If I do not win it I most definitely will be buying it!

    I sew with no shoes and music - yes.... music. Right now it is Christmas music.... I LOVE Pandora and I've created a station that plays Christmas music sung by Frank, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett, Ella, Rosemary, etc.... because it is not Christmas I listen to my jazz standards station. When I hear Billie - I need to get my machine out!

    Thanks for sharing all things Quilt and Victoria!

    Hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season

  70. I could sure use this book. Would love to win a copy but will keep my eye out for it just in case. My stash is out of hand and needs some creative management.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  71. Shoes off for me - I tend to use my toes to grip the foot pedal. I usually have the TV on for ambient noise when I am sewing. Hopefully some show I have already seen before - Top Chef and Project Runway are perfect!

  72. This is a great book. Thank you for this great chance to win. I think Victoria sews without shoes and with soft music. That's the most relaxing way for me.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  73. This book looks wonderful! Love scrap quilts

    I wear shoes when sewing and I listen to the radio, iPad or the TV (my husband just installed one in my sewing room----he spoils me!)

    Thanks for the chance to win this book.

  74. This a book I desperately need...15 minutes to be creative...and maybe I get my creative juices flowing again...and not drained as they are now!!!
    I'm a shoe off girl ( don't wear shoes inside in Sweden ;0) ...have tried but don't get the right feeling!!!
    And I'm like Virginia...20 % music and 80 % silence...sometimes I need the music and sometimes I must hear myself
    Thanks for the chance to win this book...number one on my wish list this year!!!

  75. She does shoes off and has music on. I sew without shoes and usually it's quiet. Can't get good reception in my basement sewing room. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  76. Hola desde Sevilla, España. Gracias por darme la oportunidad de ganar ese libro, que seguro será una maravilla. Besos

  77. Slipper socks cause I sew on a Featherweight and little nuuton on footfeed hard to use with shoes. Listen to radio, CDs or Itunes. I dance at the ironing board if song is right. Also watch Bonnie Hunter's Quiltcam while I sew when she's on.

  78. shoes off and music on for Victoria and also for me. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book. The book looks like so much fun and lots of inspiration.

  79. Victoria has shoes off and music on. Personally I rarely wear shoes in the house, and my life is so busy and noisy that I prefer to craft and sew in the quiet

  80. I can't wait to get a copy of this book!
    Personally, I keep my shoes on and love silence if I can get it!


  81. I love this book and i agree with you that it would become a stape quilt book to have, so i am trying to win one. Thanks

  82. Victoria sews with her shoes off and listens to loud music 20% of the time, and silence 80% of the time. I sew in silence barefoot.

  83. For off & music on. off & music on also. Got to get the right rhythm going!

  84. I sew barefoot in the summer and wear shoes in the winter (it's cold on the Canadian Prairie). I prefer complete silence when I sew.

    I love using scraps when I sew so this is the perfect book!

  85. Dear Karen,
    I love the book, too. It's full of inspiration! Hugs from Martina

  86. I have always loved scrap quilts and the pictures from this book really get my creative mind going! Nancy:

  87. I must have this book! Looks very inspiring... Thanks :)

  88. I like to sew without my shoes on and while listening to music. This looks like such an interesting book.

  89. I would love to add this book to my collection!! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  90. I prefer to sew barefoot. I rarely have shoes on around the house anyways. Sometimes I have Netflix on but mostly I sew in silence.

    I love playing with strings and scraps :)

  91. Victoria prefers to sew barefoot without music ~ I'm the same way on both accounts. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway! I'd love to win and have tried creating fabric her way several times. So much more to learn about her process and how she learned from her grandmother!

  92. Wow, I love your red quilt! I think Victoria sews with her shoes off and maybe she listens to music. I sew with my shoes on and sometimes I have music in the background. Thanks for offering a copy of Victoria's exciting new book!
    Nancy from joy for grace

  93. Such fantastic quilts! I wouldn't mind even an electronic copy! I sew with my special sandals on usually, and I often have music. But it depends what part of the process I am in, for whether there is, or what type of music it may be :D

  94. Victoria - no shoes, and music. I wear shoes and no music! This is a great looking book. Victoria is such a unique and interesting gal.

  95. I used to sew without shoes but plantar fasciitis changed that. So now its with shoes and with the TV on. Usually listening to a movie while I work. I love the idea of quilting being "play". Looks like a great book!

  96. Love your red quilt featured under this contest and I would love to win this book. Thank you

  97. I quilt with shoes - too many pins on my floor! And I vary between quiet, music or tv.

    Would love this book - looks like fun!

  98. Looks like a fabulous book! I like classical music playing while I sew.

  99. I can't wait to get my hands on this book. I hope I win it! I sew with my shoes on, and usually have some kind of noise going - don't like it too quiet when I'm working.

  100. The book IS a classic, already! I need shoes and music, except with my featherweight, because the button is easier with just socks. I'm afraid of dropped pins, so I protect my feet. Plus, my sewing area is in the basement, and cold concrete isn't comfy! Love your red quilt!

  101. If your quilt is an indication of what is in the book, I'm going to have to buy one for myself!
    So, usually my shoes are on because there are too many pins on the floor and I can sew to music, the cricket, TV, or in peace. I don't need an excuse to get the machine out.

  102. If your quilt is an indication of what is in the book, I'm going to have to buy one for myself!
    So, usually my shoes are on because there are too many pins on the floor and I can sew to music, the cricket, TV, or in peace. I don't need an excuse to get the machine out.

  103. Would love to win this book!
    and I love your pinsies! had to have two!

  104. Yes, a classic for sure! A must for every quilter's book shelf. I am guessing the Victoria does not wear shoes while sewing, and sometimes there is music on , sometimes off, depending on her mood.

  105. Barefoot! and music! that's the way I sew. Thanks for the give away

  106. Would love a copy of this book. Thanks for hosting. Can't sew with shoes on, wear heavy socks in the winter. I like quiet.

  107. How cool! I want the book! Please?

  108. I would love to win this book. I am just now learning about scraps. This book would really help.


  109. I've been getting into scraps more so lately. This would be really fun to spark the imagination.

    reklimes at us family dot net

  110. Such beautiful quilts. I would love to learn more about playing with color. Love Victoria's answer. I love to sew with shoes off. If sewing at home I usually am watching shows I've taped on my dvr. When sewing at my friends house we usually have music.

    Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


  111. Great book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  112. no shoes, no sound! just my fabric and me, and now my scraps. need this book and its inspiration. thanx for the chance to win a copy.

  113. I would love this book.
    I do wear shoes when sewing and I watch movies while I sew.

  114. Firstly, thank you for this giveaway!

    I'm so excited! I've just started quilting, learning from tips found on the internet, so it's a lot of trial and error. I just used my (great big pile of ) scraps from other projects to make a baby quilt for my cousin's newborn. It's a traditional pinwheel quilt, but i also made my own binding!! I would love to win this book so i can venture out to more creative quilting!!

  115. Sometimes I wear shoes when I sew but mostly not.

  116. I do best sewing with just socks on my feet..I prefer to have music playing. What I am working on dictates the genre of music, anything from Alfie Boe to Taylor Swift! This book would be perfect on my bookshelf! Love your red quilt.

  117. I have been following Victoria for years and would love to win her book.

  118. I wear socks and love to have music on when I sew.

  119. Hi Karen. I don't have a preference regarding what I have on my feet while I sew. Sometimes I sew barefoot, sometimes with sock and sometimes with shoes on. When sewing by myself, I sometimes listen to a CBC podcast of The Vinyl Cafe. I would LOVE to have a copy of this book!

  120. Shoes...hmmm...

    They are neither needed or not needed. If I have them on, then I sew with them on. Never heels and I don't like sewing in slippers. I'm a messy seamstress and there are threads everywhere. Add that I sometimes forget to turn on the heat (duh!) in my upstairs sewing sanctuary, shoes are welcome. If I'm barefooted at the time, well, it's cold tootsies if I forget the heat!

    Music? Hardly ever. My mind likes to roam when I sew. It's almost like my subconscious can work out issues, rehash situations or come up with a creative way to handle whatever. If I'm sad, sometimes I'll turn on the music.

    I get so engrossed with sewing that if I take something up to drink, I often forget to drink it.

    Long comment, huh!

    Oh, btw...I made a wall hanging of the mod-mosaic quilt yesterday for a gift. I'll post a pic of it on my blog after it's gifted. I love the way it turned out. Just have to label and bind it and it's ready to be loved by my special recipient.

  121. I already have a pre order in for this book at the quilt shop where I work but I would love to have an autographed copy.

  122. I love this quilt, especially the red one you made.
    I prefer to sew without shoes and with music
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  123. I always sew barefoot. Even at classes, I slip my shoe off. I feel like I have more control. I love Victria's quilts and would love this book! Thanks for the chance to win.

  124. I usually sew with slippers on and either watch tv (more listening) or listen to audio books/music.

  125. I sew with both...sometimes shoes on and sometimes off. I will listen to audiobooks, music, a movie or podcasts. When I have to figure something out, I need complete silence. Crazy I's just how my brain works.
    If I don't win, the book is on my Christmas List.

  126. If I had to bet on it, I would say (like me) that Victoria sews in her socks and that the music is going (like it is here) with the venue appropriate to the sewing mode. Rockin for the fun and whimsical and Easy Listening for the serious and sophisticated quilts.

  127. I always sew with shoes on. I always wear shoes or flip flops or house shoes! We have tile floors with dogs, cats, and a hubby who farms so there's no tellin' what could be on that floor! Only time I don't is if we just got through sweeping & mopping! Love hubby & the animals! Had KLOVE on nice & loud yesterday while sewing.

  128. I sew with my shoes off. But I have to have my TV on. I don't like it to be quiet.

  129. Oh I just love Victoria and her ideas..I SOOOOO want to win this book!

  130. I have one shoe on (left) and right if off and don´t like noise.

  131. Who doesn't love a bare foot quilter! Its a great book and would love t win a copy!

  132. I sew in my slippers or socks and I always have music or a podcast on! I can't wait to get my hands on this book! Thank you for the giveaway!

  133. That looks like so much fun. I really want to try improv, but it makes me nervous. I am sure this book could help me :)

    Personally I like to sew with my shoes off. I live in a shoe off kind of house so that works best for me :)

  134. Well for me if handstitching slippers and mostly feet up on a stool. If machine stitching I take the slipper off to press the pedal!
    Love those party shoes you posted lolol beware of bunions!!

  135. Well for me if handstitching slippers and mostly feet up on a stool. If machine stitching I take the slipper off to press the pedal!
    Love those party shoes you posted lolol beware of bunions!!

  136. I'd love this book. Thanks for the chance to win it. Your blog is awesome! :)

  137. I'd love this book. Thanks for the chance to win it. Your blog is awesome! :)

  138. I'll bet she works barefoot with funky music blasting!

    Thanks for being part of the hop. It's been really interesting to see the different quilts. Love the idea of making your red and white quilt from little strips, instead of something like charms.

  139. I'm always barefoot in my sewing room it makes me feel more free! Love her 15 minute concept, I'll have to write myself a note to try:)

  140. I rarely sew with shoes on. Barefoot in the summer and with socks in the cold weather. I play music or the TV on.

  141. Love Victoria's inspiring works! Barefoot, sox, matter as long as my foot can find the foot pedal I am good to go! Blues/Rock and/or audio books like the Outlander series.
    TIA! B-)

  142. I've bought the book already and been through it twice, but I have others I'd like to gift it to. I sew barefoot or in socks, never shoes. I usually sew in silence because my life has so much noise in it already, but sometimes music is called for.

  143. Shoes on. We live in the desert and stickery things make their way in somehow.

  144. I sew with no shoes but a TV on that I never watch. And scraps are the only way to go!!!!!! They always match the matter what the color.

  145. Scrap quilts are perfect for anyone that has fabric. What a great looking book and I'd love to play.

  146. With shoes because of the rogue pins on the floor :) and no music because I talk to myself the entire time! Would love the book . . . thanks for the give away!

  147. I do sew with shoes on --- to avoid stepping on pins that I may drop! ...and I usually have music on --- generally quiet and soothing. Thanks for the chance to win this book --- if I don't win, I'm definitely buying one!

  148. I usually don't wear shoes, but wear socks because it gets cold in my sewing room. I don't care if I have music on or not, there's usually a tune rolling around in my head regardless. And I like the silence to think.

    I'd love Victoria's book. Thanks for the giveaway.


  149. I wear shoes and I listen to audio books or the tv. I also enjoy the quiet sometimes. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  150. I've been following and playing along on the 15 Minutes Blog since last summer and I absolutely love it! It has changed the way I quilt!

    And I love selvage blog. I'm saving mine now!

  151. She sews with her Shoes off & 80% no music!!
    Thank you for the chance!!

  152. I sew with my shoes off! I have better control. Thanks for the chance to win this book.

  153. I don't think Victoria sews with her shoes on......and I am quite certain she listens to the Beatles and AC/DC shen she sews :).

    Sew4given AT aol DOT com

  154. Love your red & white quilt. Looks like a good book.
    I'm definitely a barefoot sewing person.
    I can go either way with the music.

  155. Victoria prefers to be barefoot when she sews and listens to silence 80% of the time. That said, a little cha cha in those shoes wouldn't do a girl a bit of harm...
    Thanks for the chance to win this book. I would give the electronic copy to my friend who is a scrapaholic and has been a bit down in the dumps recently. I'm sure it would give her a boost!

  156. What a great quilt, sounds like a wonderful book. Karin

  157. I love the idea of this book and would love to win a copy! I sew without my shoes, and usually without audio books, music or TV. I have enough chaos going on in my own brain I don't need anything adding to it!!!

  158. In silence Victoria sews with shoes off.....not me. I like your fun fabric blocks!

  159. Is it too late? I would love a chance to win!

  160. She sews with her shoes off! And music maybe 20 % of the time. She likes the quiet because her head is full! LOL! Me too!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com


  162. I need to find the answers to daily creativity. I NEED this book. Thank you for the opportunity

  163. Very nice review, Karen. I sew without shoes and with the T.V. on! Looking forward to seeing new ideas in Victoria's book. I have a U.S. mailing address.

  164. This book looks so amazing. Would love to win it!

  165. Victoria's choice is barefoot and sewing in silence for the majority of the time until the quilt is done and then it is a dance fiesta!

    This looks like an amazing book. I would so love to win it. I have been following her 15 minutes of play blog. I don't know if I can stand to wait to see if I win... might have to just take the plunge and buy it! Thank you for a chance. Janita

  166. Thanks for the chance to receive one of Victoria's books. I also quilt barefoot, as does she. Rather than music or silence, I usually sew listening to books on my mp player.

  167. This book looks so exciting! My fingers and toes are crossed to win a copy! Thank you for a chance to win! I love the freedom of improv piecing, especially it's outcome with mono chromatic colors! It is so exciting to see the patchwork that is created when different prints and solids meld together to become a new entity...

  168. That's just the book for me, my collection of scraps is growing, I need to make use of them!

  169. Looks like a great book! I sew with slippers or bare feet, depending on the time of year (I hate to wear shoes, especially indoors)...sometimes I sew with music and sometimes not. Thanks for the chance!

  170. this book looks great!
    I knew I was saving all of my little scraps for a reason

  171. I like to sew with bare or stocking feet....I like to really feel the gas pedal! And I have dvd's playing while I sew....usually Columbo, Murder She Wrote, or a Jane Austen movie! Thanks for the chance!

  172. And I'm a new follower! Love that pink and red's awesome! Thanks!

  173. I slip off my right shoe when I sew...but then when I go into the kitchen to check on dinner, my husband laughs at my uneven walk. Why I just don't take the other shoe off as well is a mystery to me! Thanks for the chance to win this great book!

  174. I slip off my right shoe when I sew...but then when I go into the kitchen to check on dinner, my husband laughs at my uneven walk. Why I just don't take the other shoe off as well is a mystery to me! Thanks for the chance to win this great book!

  175. Shoes on . . . too many pins might be on the floor! Music sometimes . . . but I like the quiet too. Love the idea of this book and think it's a great way to start off the new year.

  176. Oh, this would so spur on my creativity!! Help diminish some of the scraps too!! Thanks for the give away and Merry Christmas!

  177. Este prêmio é presentão de natal,

  178. Awesome tour. Would love to win this.

  179. I say she sews with her shoes off and she prefers quiet. Hope I win!

  180. I wear shoes most of the time.... specially in Winter, have cold Farmhouse here! brrry toes! lol Definitely have Music goin!

    Thanks for chance to win such a cooool book! :)

  181. I'm new to sewing so I don't have any "patterns" established, although I usually wear my shoes to avoid stepping on pins LOL I would love to begin listening to audio books. I'm just setting up a dedicated space for sewing where it's quiet and I'll be alone....books sound wondnerful! And I'd LOVE to win this one to gain some FREEDOM right from the start in my quilting!

  182. i prefer to sew in my stocking feet. I do like to sew in silence, but eventually I turn on the TV and listen. This blog giveaway makes me want to get out all my scraps as soon as I can!

  183. I listen to public radio - usually hear something unusual and interesting while sewing.

  184. Victoria prefers barefoot sewing and 20% of the time she listens to LOUD music, 80% the sounds of silence and a humming sewing machine! I prefer bare feet, but in the winter here I have on socks and slippers. Sometimes music, sometimes just my thoughts.

  185. Victoria sews bare foot and prefers silence when sewing. I prefer bare foot and the TV on.

  186. I sew barefoot like Victoria, and mostly quiet for same reasons she prefers. She listens to music 20% and, maybe 3% and quiet but Bluegrass is a genre that I love.

  187. Lovely quilt! I love the look of scrap quilts but need to overcome my fear of improvisational quilting. This looks like a great look!
    I wear shoes while may be dangerous to walk in my quilting room without shoes :D
    I usually sew in silence but sometimes I have music playing. Thanks!

  188. Wow, how much fun is this book!!

  189. I'm a shoes on kind of quilter and as for background noise, it depends on my mood. I have a set of headphones that allow me to listen to a tv show or music without having to blast it over the sewing machine noise. Thanks for hosting. (

  190. I normally quilt without shoes, but I do tend to wear slippers. I have to have background sounds while I work and I usually listen to podcast while working, but I may also watch tv while doing hand work.

  191. Great book! Would love to have it, wonderful inspiration
