Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Inspiration Before Sleeping

"Flaming June" by Frederick Lord Leighton, 1895

Who did this painting of me while I was dreaming about quilts?

I get quilt ideas in the shower too. Where do you get your best quilt ideas? 


  1. Sleep

    I get so much done while I sleep. I come up with ideas, work out creative ideas to overcome unknowns in my creativity.

    I've always problem solved during my sleep time. Many years ago I worked in a leather shop doing repairs and alterations on leather clothing. Some of those jobs required a LOT of creativity and I usually came up with my ideas through a series of nights' sleep.

    It's amazing how (my) subconscious can deal with these items!

    Hope your Christmas was a merry one and that the New Year is filled with many blessings!

  2. By the way...

    You look beautiful sleeping in your gorgeous nightgown!!

  3. The painting is Flaming June by Frederick Lord Leighton, 1895, look forward to seeing what inspiration has come of it!

  4. Very famous painting. Gorgeous gown. I think she's going to wake up with a crick in her neck of back.

  5. Wish I could say that I even HAVE quilt ideas! Mine come from seeing what others have done, and doing a version of them. Copycat quilting is all I have a talent for. Good for you to have such great ideas, ANYWHERE! Love your pretty nightie.

  6. The oddest inspiration so far has come from the tile floor in our bath at Bright Angel Lodge at Grand Canyon. It is one of those old floors made from tiny hexagon shaped tiles. I took a picture of it and will probably use it as the border on a hexie quilt that I am working on.

  7. I get inspiration from geometric designs every where. I love looking at tiles. Especially in old homes and buildings. I think the oddest one that ever hit me is I got inspired from an episode of law and order. Go figure.
