Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pillowcases for Kids in Sandy Hook, CT

Jackie from CV Quiltworks passed this info along:

Help the families in Newtown... Here is how... Becky at Quliter's Corner in New Milford, CT is collecting pillowcases for the children at Sandy Hook School. She is trying to collect around 600.
 Please pass this message to any sewing friends. 
Pillowcases can be mailed to her at

Quilters Corner 
312 Danbury Rd. 
New Milford, CT. 06776 


  1. Thanks so much for posting this - I will pass it along.

  2. I re-blogged your post on my blog...

  3. Love yours! I made one this morning. I know the kids will love them.

  4. This is wonderful...

    I prayed this morning, asking God how _I_ could do something to help, then I read your post and my prayer has been answered.

    I will be participating in this and I will post it on my blog today.

    Thank you.

  5. I cannot imagine the heartbreak and agony the families of the victims are going through. I will contact my quilt group and anyone else I can think of. Thank you for posting this information. Karin

  6. Thank you.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    I had not heard of this but it's a small thing I can do to feel like I'm actually "doing" something.
    xo jj
