Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blizzard Photos

The storm is over and we have 2 feet of snow! It's very windy. You can see the snow blowing in the photo above. That's my quilt room porch. 

This is the side entrance to our "barn." It's a garage, but it's red, so we call it a barn.

We won't be using this back door any time soon either. So you can see I have no choice but to keep sewing.  Until spring!

I hope you are all safe and warm. I'm not too worried about you quilters in Australia, probably at the beach!


  1. ha, ha my daughter just came back from a trip to Australia. With a suntan!

  2. Ok, I'm jealous. We have gotten a total of maybe 4-5 inches this winter. If we're going to have to deal with all this cold weather, the least we could do is have some snow to go with it. Although maybe not 2 feet. ;-)

  3. Snowbound and sewing... sounds perfectly lovely to me. Have fun!

  4. Beautiful pictures. I am always happy to have snow in the winter - gives me a reason to hibernate and sew! :-)
