Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pincushion Giveaway and UFO's

Tell me how many ufo's* you have. I don't know my exact number, but it's over 50. I prefer piecing to machine quilting, obviously. I'll get to them someday. This backlog doesn't bother me.

Want to see more pincushions?

*A "ufo" is an unfinished quilt project.


  1. I have 3 or 4 UFOs. Your pin cushion is adorable…thanks for the chance :)

  2. My best friend had a suit of this same material as in this pin cushion. It is beautiful. I appreciate the entry.

  3. UFO's - I have 14 quilts in varying stages of progress and about 4 bags and two mini quilts plus a pom pom snowman. 2014 is my year of finishes though... :

  4. Last summer I counted them, there were 75. That was then, I've finished dozens of items and started so many new things. Right now, on my sewing table are three quilts, eight place mats and two table runners in various stages and I'm doing the quilting on a quilt. I had to start quilting it because I need the pins to baste another quilt! Yikes!

  5. Long live the piecers! I'm a great starter but a slow finisher. I have about 20 projects on the go.

  6. Don't tell anyone but I reckon I've got over 20!!

  7. I think I only have three... Unless you count the ones I've started in my head, and then there would be about three million.

  8. I have around 20 UFOs. Used to be more, but I've been trying to finish one a month. Thanks.

  9. I have only three UFOs at the moment because I finished one that's been around for about 20 months yesterday

  10. I think I have around a dozen actually started but many more boxes and bags of possibilities. Thanks for the chance to win the adorable pin cushion!

  11. I'd say more than 20 but less than 50, I hope. Love houndstooth!

  12. Gosh. I think my UFO list is overwhelming but your 50 makes my 6 seem doable. I love pincushions and I thanks you for the opportunity to win a new one.

  13. I have 5 pincushions only but in my head, i intend to make thousands :) - quilted, crocheted, knitted...I hope :)

  14. Love the pincushion - just too pretty to use!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Well, congratulations to me!
    I have been sewing since I was a little girl (having taught myself to use my mom's treadle) and I love the houndstooth fabric pincushion. I really don't count my UFOs since they are all over the place but at a guess, perhaps 30 is a close number. However, I may have the oldest UFO - started in the mid 1980s.

  16. I really think that the only "fair" way to count UFO's is starting a new fresh count at the start of each year.
    So far this year I may only have 2 UFO's but they only count if you included pulling fabric and pattern and setting them aside together..

  17. Oh my - I have to put a number on it? I am guessing I have more than 20, may be more than 30. :-) I am participating on a work-off this year. Planning to get 12 UFO projects to the 'next' stage. So far so good. :-)

  18. I have made a lot of progress on my UFO pile in the last year and a half, but now that I think about it I probably have between 20 - 30 projects needing my attention. I actually don't want to know for sure. The shock may put me over the edge!

  19. I have 8 open ended projects and I think there are 24 quilt tops totally ready to be quilted! Yikes!

  20. I have a lot of UFOs, but in my defense, they are not all mine! I have some quilt tops from my Grandma and her sisters, circa 1920s and 30s - but I did take them on, so now they are mine - plus the ones I started myself, which number around two dozen. The pincushion is adorable - I had a houndstooth mini skirt back in the 60s - hmmm, I wonder if I still have some of that fabric. LOL!!

  21. I have recently joined 2 UFO reduction programs and must admit to approximately 60 UFOs. I had to make a list for both programs and it was embarrassing to turn in those lists, but sure feels good when I can check something off the list.

  22. I dedicated all last year to finishing/donating/trading all of my UFOs...I only have 2 left!! VermontPines at aol dot com

  23. UFOs? It would be easier to count completed projects! Haha!
    Lovely coushion

  24. I _think_ I have about 20 ufo's...but, truthfully, I have not counted in a while. :) I'm in the process of cleaning and moving my sewing room, so I guess I will find out before I am finished. :)


  25. I love your pincushions and pinsies! I think I have under 20 UFO's. I'm happy to be getting some of them finished, but I keep starting new projects.

  26. Oh my goodness! I don't even know how many UFO's I have. I am slowing getting them done. Just took two to the longarm quilters last week and hope to have two more ready when she finishes those. Gotta get busy!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Geez, I guess I'm "average" based on what everyone else has in their UFO category...

  29. I hand sew and quilt and have, I think , 9 tops to quilt. Then I have
    6, I think, quilts in various stages and another 2 cut and ready to start and many many hexagons and squares cut from scraps. It does bother me a bit, so I am not aloowed to do anything but quilt till I have finished at least 5 quilts (for 2014) and so far I am on number two for the year. I also have 2 crochet projects that are UFO :D
