Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Give Away - Purse Ornament!

 This week's give away is a clear purse ornament filled with little bits of fabric. You can open it up and change the contents of course. Use the beaded handle to hang it in your quilting room.

Your comment below is your entry. Random winner announced on March 18. 
Question: Do you listen to music when you sew, 
or do you like it quiet?

The winner of the purple and orange pincushion is Laura from Virginia.
Her blog is Sewing Our of My Comfort Zone. Yayy, Laura!


  1. I don't listen to music. I listen to 'old people TV' like Andy Griffith (which I have seen 12 million times) and Bonanza (which was only good when Pernell Roberts was on it). Thanks for the chance to win such a CUTE little purse.

  2. I like listening to old, familiar movies. Since I've seen them already (lots of times) I don't need to watch the screen, so I don't get distracted from my sewing.
    Thanks for the adorable giveaway!

  3. I always listen to music in my craft, no matter what I'm doing!!
    Thanks for this very sweet giveaway.


  4. I don't listen to music when I sew on the machine, just the hubbub of the house with the general chatter, unless one of my boys is in his room playing the guitar and singing.

  5. I like to listen to music most of the time.
    Thanks for the sweet giveaway :)

  6. I´d love to win this cutie :-)
    Music while sewing ?? Never ! The only sound I need is the sound from my Bernina ;-))

    happy sewing

  7. Quiet quiet quiet - the whirrr of the sewing machine, the phosch phosch of the steam from the iron is all I need!!!

  8. I always listen to music when I sew. It seems to help me concentrate. If I'm designing though, or sewing "by the seat of my pants", I need instrumental music, otherwise it's whatever I'm in the mood for.

    Cute little purse! Thanks for the chance!

  9. Love cranking the tunes on you tube while I sew. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

  10. Hi, the purse is adorable and I hope to may take part for the giveaway although I come from Germany.
    When I quilt, I'm even listening to the radio (French radio station, because I love French music) or to the TV, listening to movies.
    Kind regards Gabi

  11. I usually have a quiet room when I sew!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  12. I listen to music and podcasts. The time flies and lots gets sewn ;-))

  13. I prefer it quiet when I'm sewing. Thanks.

  14. Sometimes I listen to podcasts and sometimes I sew in silence. I sew regularly with friends and we like to chat while we sew.

  15. I listen to a baseball game, if I can find one.

  16. I have my radio set to the local classical music station. Usually it's on and I'm half listening.

  17. No, I do not listen to music anymore when I sew. Many, many years ago I did but then I discovered books on tape and now someone reads to me as I sew and quilt.

  18. Usually, I prefer it to be quiet unless I'm hand sewing. Then I like to have something to watch. Thanks for the chance for the adorable purse ornament!

  19. Music! Sometimes my ipod, and other times Pandora.
    When I'm doing a lot of pressing or cutting or handwork I kinda half watch Hulu or DVD's.

  20. I usually have the TV on to NCIS or Castle reruns. Love the purse - hope I win!

  21. I usually listen to audio books on my cd. I love to download audio books from my library onto my MP3. If I listen to music I like listen to either Zydeco. The bouncy music keeps me going, although sometimes I have to get up from my machine and dance.

  22. I like it quiet or just the hum of the machine. Sometimes I put the TV on for noise but usually not.


  23. I have recorded radio shows from a local independent radio station on shuffle on my iPod. I play it through speakers. It's a mix of rock and roll, classical and sixties lounge music. Stuff you don't ever hear anywhere else.

  24. audio Books are my life line as I sew! I get so much more done when I have one going.

  25. I always have something, audio book, or the television. My workspace is in the basement so it makes it homier for me with noise...

  26. I listen to Pandora as I sew. Found a station called "summer hits of the 90s" and it really perks up my mood. Such a cute purse- thanks for the giveaway!

  27. I do not listen to music. Sometimes I do watch quilt shows while I am working in the sewing room.

  28. I like to listen to books on CDs or have tennis on if there is a good match like out in Indian Wells this week. Sometimes I listen to NPR radio but rarely just quiet. I don't have TV so I usually have my PC with me for company, sometimes I watch Bonnie Hunter's Quilt cam which is on You tube.

    Thanks for the chance to win

    Happy Sewing

  29. that little purse is so cute, but am not in the drawing. During Bonnie Hunters mysteries I listen to soft rock, the rest of the year I love hearing a clock tick. I think that relates back to the Hoquiam library when I was a kid. kid sized oak chairs,the scent of books, and a tall case clock tickingtickingticking.

  30. No I don't listen to music. My TV is on whenever I'm in my quilt room. Oh my gosh that is the cutest little purse. thk

  31. I always listen to music while sewing with a local radio station

  32. I always have the radio on - not music but BBC radio 4!

  33. I don't play music, but I'm always 'listening' to the dvd's I play. Usually it's Murder She Wrote, or Columbo, or one of the Jane Austen movies. I've seen them all a thousand times, so I can just listen and still sew.

  34. I listen to the television usually. It engages a different part of the brain than music.

    But I so rarely get to sew, I would be happy to listen to music or anything else if it opened a window to machine time!

  35. It varies for me. It depends how much noise my kids made that day!!'

  36. I don't listen to music and my machine isn't quiet. I listen to audiobooks. I've listened to hundreds of them over the years. Sewing and mysteries, two of my favorite things!

    Such a cute "purse"!

  37. I'm an audiobook fan as well, in fact I've been thinking it's time get rid of all those music cds that are just gathering dust and taking up space in my work area...

  38. What a cute little purse!! No I don't listen to music but I don't like it quiet. I either listen to talk radio or have the TV on. Thanks for the cute giveaway!

  39. I listen to music and sometimes tv. I sometimes watch marathon show that I have watched a zillion times.
    It just depends on my mood.

  40. What a darling little purse ornament!!! I most always listen to either music or talk radio when I sew. I don't feel so alone if the radio is on.

  41. I am a quiet quilted. I save music and TV for knitting.

  42. I like it quiet too. I find having the TV on is too distracting! I need all the concentration I can muster.
    Nice giveaway!

  43. I like it quiet too. I find having the TV on is too distracting! I need all the concentration I can muster.
    Nice giveaway!

  44. I enjoy to listen to anything... The radio, music, my choice or whoever is sharing my space.

  45. I like listening to the local country music station, except on Saturday mornings when they play the oldies... then I'd rather have quiet!
