Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How do you feel about orange?

Is it the new pink? Are you embracing the resurgence of orange, or are you not going there?
When I was in 8th grade I painted my room orange. I'm not back to that point, but I like orange.
How about you?


  1. Yep, I love, love, love orange and have now for quite awhile. It looks great when combined with chartreuse and magenta!

  2. I love orange! Especially with pink, in saturated values.

  3. I am that old, 61, that I have had far too much orange, but as a color accent it is often good.

  4. I love orange…it's such a bright, happy color!!!

  5. I love it! I wish there would be more really strong orange fabrics out there.

  6. I have made lots of quilts with orange in them. I find it is hard to find orange fabrics so when I see something I like, it comes home with me to be part of my stash!

  7. I used to avoid it but in the last few years have been using and enjoying orange. I like it best as accents, especially with dark blue.

  8. I'm a fan of orange! I didn't used to be, but I've been converted. In fact, a couple years ago I hosted a Flickr Bee called Orange You Glad. 23 awesome qulters, 24 amazing orange quilts!

  9. I can't wear orange, but I love to use it in quilts.

  10. I've loved orange since about 8th grade, too! After my sister got married, I moved into her room with orange walls and orange shag carpet. I painted a picket fence, tree and flowers on one wall.
    I love the modern orange prints and have been using them since the year before Tangerine Tango.

  11. Always loved orange, don't know what the problem is with it. Puts a smile on your face, makes you feel happy.

  12. I had an orange bedroom too -- the color was named something like "Desert Sunset." My room was in the basement with two tiny windows, so the bright color was necessary.

  13. Last year or so I have been picking up and even using a more orange in a lot of my work. I an transiting from yellow s and that was a move from blue.

  14. You know, I don't have a single quilt with orange. I guess I have to change that!

  15. You know, I don't have a single quilt with orange. I guess I have to change that!

  16. I love orange and all of its value/tone/tint cousins. :)

    I do know (as the previous owner of a quilt shop) that orange (followed by yellow) is the most disliked color, though.

    Strong feelings engendered by a strong color.

    :) Linda

  17. Orange is one of my favorite colors!

  18. one can never have too much bright cheerful orange in one's life, nor in mine as well.

  19. I like to use orange in my quilts, but not to wear. I remember my Mom was on the roll of making everyone a windbreaker. It is only piece of clothing I still have that my Mom made me growing up. Guess what color it is? Yes, orange! It is a bit faded and too small, but I can't get rid of it.

  20. Orange is my number one favourite quilting colour -- for Halloween and year round. :-)

  21. I absolutely love orange and have for many years. It never goes out of vogue for me.

    For me pink was a color that never caught on until a friend of mine who is a designer, opened my eyes to the various color spectrum of pinks. My taste are nearer to the deep color end of pinks.
