Sunday, June 29, 2014

Need Your Opinion on This




I'm making the "front cover" for a new pattern. This is how it will look on Etsy.
Do you prefer #1 or #2 or #3?
(In the upper left corner, Etsy puts a symbol that says "Instant Download" so I leave space for that.)
The design reminds me of taxi cabs. But I'm also considering the title: "Fair and Square."
Any thoughts? Thanks.


  1. #1 gives a clearer picture of what the quilt looks like. I like both names but I am familiar with the "checkered" cabs of NYC whereas not everyone will get the connection.

  2. Personally, I like number one the best. The second photo has a shadowy appearance at the top that isn't flattering.

  3. I prefer #1 also. Clean, clear and a nice layout. Cute quilt too! I prefer the name "Taxi" too.

  4. I prefer #1. Cleaner photo. I like taxi---even those of us out in the Midwest get the connection!

  5. I agree, #1. love the name taxi and I like being able to see the whole quilt

  6. Number 1 gets my vote. Nicer picture and I got the taxi reference even though I have never been to NYC

  7. Sorry, but for those of us overseas the title Taxi, left me wondering why you had used that title. So # 3 is my choice.

  8. I love #1 and definitely think the name TAXI is perfect! Nice work! :)

  9. I guess I'm strange ... but I don't see the taxi thing. I see zippers ("zipped"). I'd go for #3!

    pnconverse at

  10. I like #1. And the name Taxi would be easier to remember to tell friends about the pattern.

  11. #1 definitely clearer picture of what it looks like..."Taxi" gets my vote, also.

  12. I can't name a quilt to save my soul, so the name is a little unimportant to me. But #1 & #3 photo is by far my favorite

  13. #1, I really like Taxi for the name.

  14. I like #1, it looks the cleanest. I like the name Taxi!

  15. Not sure that Taxi works as a name outside the US but if you are only looking for sales there then it seems popular.

    The layout is best in no 1 - keeping the colours the same looks cleaner

  16. Looks like the #1s are carrying the day. Although I'm familiar with checkered taxis (I always think yellow an black), I prefer #3. The title should speak to everyone.

  17. Coming to this late after so many responses. I like the picture from 1 and 3. When a quilt is scrunched artistically and in shadow (which I suspect you might have done with photo shop) it isn't as appealing to me. I want to see what the whole thing looks like. Overall I prefer #3. Taxi doesn't work for me with the quilt in the colors shown. My 2¢ worth.

  18. I like #3. And if you wanted to combine the titles, you could call it "Fare and Square." Unless that's too oblique. ;)

  19. 3. I like the name and the photo better.

  20. Number 3, for sure!

    Here in my area of California, checkers don't represent taxis in any way. I never would have gotten that connection. Nascar, maybe, but not taxis.

  21. #1 gets my vote, and #3 is second choice.

  22. 1 or 3.
    I prefer a pattern picture that shows what the whole quilt will look like when completed.

  23. Photo #1 and #3 look exactly alike and I like them both.

    Looking at the pattern my mind does not immediately associate it with taxi cabs while I do understand there is a distant connection with the checkered cabs.

    Not sure what name to choose.
    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  24. I like Photo 1 with Taxi as its

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