Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fabric Winner Announced!

A SPECIAL NOTE FROM VALERIE OF comfort and joy fabrics:Thank you so much for participating in comfort and joy fabric's Tanya Whelan fat quarter giveaway here at the Selvage Blog! I will be starting a comfort and joy blog and an email list in the near future to keep you informed about new fabrics, sales, coupon codes and specials. There will be interviews with people you want to hear from including Bonnie Christine of Art Gallery Fabrics. She's the designer of the Sweet as Honey line that I carry! I'll also interview Karen Griska and more! 
I would love to have you join me! 
Want to be included? Email Valerie at          Thanks!  -Valerie
And now....drum roll please!The Winner of the comfort and joy fabrics is.......
Jane B! 

Yayy, Jane! The photo above isn't Jane. It's just how I imagine she's feeling today. Haha.

Thank you to Valerie for providing this generous prize for our give away!
We wish you the very best as you begin your new Etsy shop!

 ("Birch Farm" by Joel Dewberry, in stock)

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