Monday, September 1, 2014

Tablet Holder from The Netherlands

Mien Boerekamp of The Netherlands is making tablet holders using selvages from her Vlisco fabrics. The fabric company is located in the nearby city of Helmond. They are her favorite fabrics and she's made several quilts with them. These tablet holders are so pretty everyone's asking her to make them one. 
You can see Vlisco fabrics on Etsy. Nice work, Mien!


  1. If I lived that close to the Visco factory I would have no money, but I would have the best stash ever! I have made several quilts with African Dutch Wax fabrics, but I have only been lucky enough to get a couple pieces of Visco at a great price. Their fabric is incredibly beautiful, but a bit pricey.

  2. This fabric is beautiful. Such a lovely project using selvages.
