Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fall Festival Quilt Exhibit

Today we had the Fall Festival at the First Congregational Church of Litchfield, CT. I had the honor of exhibiting 32 of my quilts in the sanctuary. One of the highlights for me was meeting two young sisters who want to learn how to quilt. They are going to spend an afternoon with me in my quilt room to make a small quilt. Can't wait. 


  1. Congratulatons on your exhibit. I'm sure people enjoy and marveled at it.

  2. Your show looks amazing and I hope you'll post more pictures.

    Recently my Guild had a show and there were youngsters who were dragged there by their parents but when they saw the quilts they were interested and excited. Several have asked for lessons and some Guild members stepped up to the plate. It really is wonderful to be able to pass our skills on to the next generation of quilters.

  3. You are a great quilt "missionary"
