Friday, October 3, 2014

Pine Burr Quilt from The Netherlands

This stunning Pine Burr quilt was made by Annemieke of The Netherlands. Her blog is: Colours and Fabrics. Her quilt will be on exhibit this month in The Netherlands. 

Annemieke sewed her quilting stitches in the red cornerstones and between some of the pine burrs. She made her quilt before I published my pattern. Our quilts are very similar, but hers is bigger. She plans to make more in the future, but right now I have no such plans! 

Annemieke taught me a word in her language: "groetjes." It means something like best regards, but in an informal way. So, groetjes everyone!


  1. I love Annemieke's work, and this Pine Burr is no exception.

  2. Thanks for the honor to be on your blog with the pine burr quilt. I like your post very much!
    And thanks Lee-Ann (above) for the compliment!

  3. Yes, a very, very intricate looking quilt and isn't it great that you have designed a beautiful pattern!

  4. This is a masterpiece! Congratulations on a beautiful quilt Annemieke - think I will have to follow your blog now.
