Friday, November 7, 2014

Nice Fabric Recipe!

 I love the fabric "recipe" that this quilter used. Rather than thinking just "dark vs. light," she was also thinking "warm vs. cool." And look at that quilting in the border. Wow! I also like the liberated way the border on the left side runs off the edge of the quilt, but the little sawtooth border is perfectly planned. I wish I could see the whole quilt!

This quilt photo is from Terri Watson's Threadtales blog. It is likely a customer quilt. Terri is a very talented long arm quilter.


  1. Beautiful!Like the choice of colours too.

  2. Thanks for sharing that gorgeous eye candy! wowwwww.

  3. I've seen this recipe before and absolutely love it - it's somewhere on a TO DO list.

  4. Karen, thanks so much for your kind words about Jan's quilt. The top was so perfectly pieced that I was kind of anxious while quilting it. It was juried into AQS Grand Rapids a couple of years ago and looked beautiful hung.

    Terri Watson
