Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tina's New Selvage Quilt

Tina Craig of Seaside Stitches in Rhode Island just finished her second selvage quilt, and it's a real beauty! It was inspired by my pattern Button Box, but she gave it a new twist with the on-point layout. The Squares are Kona Tomato. Nice work!
Tina has noticed that making a selvage quilt somehow doesn't deplete your supply of selvages!
I've made a bunch (19?) of selvage quilts and I now have more selvages than ever. How can that be?


  1. Really like these blocks on point...and I love Kona tomato!

  2. What a neat quilt and I love those red accents! I think the selvages must multiply while you sleep ;-)

  3. Yaaay, Tina (my Rhode Island neighbor/coRIMQG member :-), it's beautiful!

  4. I love the 3D look of this one! I'm still saving selvedges for my first selvedge quilt. Maybe that's why they are not multiplying, because I haven't used them yet. ;-)
