Sunday, February 8, 2015

Transparent Camping Tent

Inflatable bubble tents from Bubble Tree in France. They would protect you from the wind and rain. Want to read people's comments about this? Click here and then scroll down.


  1. You find some amazing things. I don't think I'd want to camp in a transparent tent, but it would be great in the back yard for spring and fall days that are kind of chilly but you really want to get outdoors to read, or sew (by hand, I guess)

  2. Reminds me of people who travel to another country and then look for McDonalds for food. Why bother going?

    All I can think of is what the materials off-gassing is doing to their brain and lungs...

  3. Decagon Transparent Tent is for South African clients who want to add new concept for her wedding party events. Visit : for more Tents Deals
