Thursday, March 19, 2015

Pretzel Pincushion Giveaway!

Pretzel fabric and fancy pinsies make this a playful pincushion. Your comment will be your entry in this random drawing. Winner announced next Thursday. I will ship anywhere in the world.
In your comment, tell us how many hours of sleep you need to feel your best. I think I need 8 or 9 hours. Seriously. Short naps are good too, but maybe I wouldn't nap if I actually got 8 or 9 at night.


  1. Excellent showcase for this fabric!

  2. I usually get 6-7 hours a night but probably need a bit more. Fun pincushion!

  3. Oh gosh, I only get about 6 hours of sleep a night. I wish it were more. BTW, I love pretzels.

  4. I am an insomniac. I sleep maybe 2 or 3 hours a night. Like last night, nothing but short bits of maybe 15 minutes each. As a child I had horrible nightmares. So I trained myself not to sleep!

    Not fun now.

  5. Cute pincushion! Yes, 8 or 9 is always good. I'm lucky to get 8, but I'm retired. (You get to sleep in if you want to.)
    Thanks for a chance.

  6. I like 7 to 8 hours at night and an hour nap in the afternoon! Cute pincushion - hope I win!

  7. I usually get only about 7 hours, but definitely feel better when I get 8.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I usually get about 7 hours of sleep, but feel better with 8. This pincushion would make me feel like I need a snack...all day long!

  10. I totally need 8-9 hours, but rarely get that. I usually get 5-6.

  11. About 8 is right for me, but more during allergy season. I figure it is because i am not getting as much air due to sinus congestion. :-)

  12. I need 9 - 10 hours if sleep to feel and be my best.

  13. I prefer 7 but I can get by on 6. And love the pretzel fabric!

  14. Usually 7 hours , but I like to get at least. Love the pinnies and pretzels.

  15. Usually between 7 - 8 hrs a night is perfect. Less than 7 and I'm toast the next day at work!

  16. I like to sleep at the most 8 hrs and no naps. Sleep means dreams to me so I love to dream of beautiful quilts and people like you.
