Saturday, July 25, 2015

Paperweights Quilt Billboard

Another city billboard featuring my Paperweights quilt pattern. It seems to have caught the attention of the man in the bottom center of this photo. He must be a quilter. 
I spared no expense on this Etsy shop ad campaign: $5 on Fiver. On Fiver you can get stuff like a professionally recorded telephone answering machine message. Or help with your website.


  1. Is this one in London or Paris? I'm guessing Paris due to the probable Metro entrance on the left. It looks great.

  2. No it's in London as there is no Bakerloo line in Paris!

  3. So this is an image you can digitally use, not an ad you placed on the marquee in actuality. I know it's a stupid question, but after seeing two $5 ads, I had to ask.

  4. This is wonderful Karen! Good for you!

  5. You're right, Shannon. Some computer dude on the Internet inserted my quilt photo into this scene for me. He did a bunch of them for $5. That was fun

  6. that is super cool! Get to see your "name in lights" Love your blog!
