Tuesday, January 5, 2016

23 Spools of Thread Used in 2015!

Surprisingly, I use about the same amount of thread every year. In 2015, I used 23 spools, slightly more than my average of 21. I know this is a flimsy measurement. My spools are different sizes, I don't start the new year with all new spools, and hand sewing uses less thread than machine sewing. But I like to toss my empty spools in a basket throughout the year, then see how many I have at year end before tossing them out. Yes, they're all Coats & Clark's Dual Duty. The basket's empty now, ready for the new year. I hope you have a lot of quilting fun this year!


  1. I'm always impressed by people who are organized enough to do this. Very cool way to see what you've done during the year!

  2. LOL.....I am sure if I collected anything like this it would be buried in the mess that my room always ends up to be. Hmm....that said, I REALLY need to clean up and organize this year......really.

  3. I'm still using Dual Duty too. I just use it for machine piecing. That's what I learned to use when I started quilting, and I just kept going. Haven't had any problem with it over the years. Hope you get a lot of sewing done this year and use up many, many spools of thread!

  4. Five or six years ago I thought I'd save spools for kids to play with and started tossing them in a brown grocery bag. No one's ever played with them but the bag is under a table and filling up. I wish I had some idea of a way to use them in a folk-art-ish sculpture but I just don't have that kind of imagination. Guess I'll keep going until the bag is full.

  5. I was disappointed this year that i only used 60 spools....i thought it should be many more. LOL but, so far this year i have 6 empties in my bowl, so perhaps 2016 will be much better. i have LOTS of thread to use.

  6. I have been keeping my spools for a few years now. I looked back on my blog posts as was able to find in 2012 I used 63, 2013 is used 43, 2014 was 79, and 2015 was 34. Now if I could just figure out what to do with them other them tossing them in the recycle bin.

  7. 20 spools for me in 2015. Three were large spools. Very happy with all I got done. I have two cute heart shaped baskets on the wall. The top one I put in my spools, the bottom one selvages for a friend. I love the "decoration" although I'm sure visitors to my sewing room think it's weird.

  8. I just checked my stats from when I started. 28 in 2013, 20 for 2014 and 2015. I moved in 2015 and wasn't able to sew for many months, so I'm glad I at least stayed the same as 2014.

  9. I thought I was the only one who saved empty spools. I was so excited to see you and many others save them too. It represents such an accomplishment. I don't have the heart to recycle them just yet. Such a part of me.

  10. I used to use Dual Duty all the time until they changed it to polyester and my machine didn't seem to like it. I did find that I could still use it in the bobbin with cotton thread on top. For quilting I like cotton thread. I hope that someday manufacturers will make their spools out of recyclable materials. We do use so many of them.

  11. That's a good number of spools for the year. Now how does that translate into how many quilts you finished? lol I too keep my empty spools, although I've never counted them for a specific time period. I count fabric used, bought and projects finished, so I'm a "counter" of things too. Here's to using more in 2016.
