Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Box Wall Quilt with Hidden Apples

My latest finish! I made this quilt top for the purpose of practicing my free-motion quilting, and I'm surprised that I really like it. You can see the quilting better in the close-ups below.
See more photos of this quilt here.

I bought some Fons and Porter quilting gloves at JoAnn. They're supposed to be rubbery so that moving the quilt under the needle is easier. But these gloves aren't very rubbery at all, so I don't recommend them. I ordered some Machingers online from Leah Day. Her online videos of fmq designs are wonderful (and numerous!). 

Red apples appear in only one block. 


  1. The quilt turned out lovely and you quilting looks great! For a long time I used Playtex living gloves as my machine quilting gloves. I cut the sleeve parts off. The are kind of hot though. I have been using some rubberized gloves that are sold for work around the house type gloves. They are much less expensive than gloves marketed for machine quilting. Once you find a pair that works it make the work so much easier!

  2. Another quilter turned me on to Grabaroos - I love them! And because they are purple I can find them easily in my sewing room. They don't make my hands sweat either, which is great.

  3. I get cheap gardening gloves at Walmart or the dollar store. The cotton breathes to keep your hands cool, and you can get them to fit snugly and not hang over your fingertips.

    Sometimes the dots fall off and get added to the threads sticking to my shirt and pants. Makes a nice statement at the bank.

  4. I've been using the Fons & Porter gloves for years every time I spend hours sewing. I've worn out several pairs. I don't do much free motion quilting, though. I am quite happy using them when I am straight line quilting and really had not seen a need for anything else. Those Grabaroos look pretty neat.
