Sunday, April 2, 2017

Fancy Feathers' Incredible Longarm Quilting!

Have you ever seen a modern whole cloth quilt like this? It's the work of longarm quilter Rose Bell in Canada. Her website is Fancy Feathers. Nice work, Rose!


  1. Absolutely stunning work!!! Thanks, Karen, for bringing this beautiful work and talented long armer to everyone's attention. Rose Bell is incredibly skilled.

  2. This is amazing work, Rose. Thanks Karen for highlighting it, and hi DeeEmm.

  3. Great work! Check to see what Kelly Cline ( does with antique linens.

  4. Rose Bell is truly an artist. Her work is incredible. Thank you, Karen, for shining a spotlight on this talented woman.

  5. Thanks Karen it was such a amazing surprise to follow the link from dee emm. When it opened I saw one on my pieces posted on your blog? WOW THANK YOU , What an amazing feeling. It has been a pleasure to meet you on Quiltship. It really nice see your positive post about me and the other shipmates on Quiltship. You must be so proud of the following you have my website went bananas and I received phone calls galore.

    Again thanks

