Monday, November 13, 2017

How to Say "Quilt" in Thirteen Languages!

1. German = decke
2. Spanish = edredon
3. French = courtepoint
4. Japanese = kiruto
5. Italian = trapunta
6. Russian = stegat
7. Lithuanian = antklode
8. Finnish = peite
9. Swedish = lapptacke
10. Danish = dyne
11. Chinese = beizi
12. Irish = chuilt
13. Romanian = macat

Have you ever wondered what the word for "quilt" is in these other languages? I posted a quilt on Instagram and wanted to put the word for "quilt" in hashtags. I thought you might be interested.

The quilt pic above is the "World Quilt" that we made a few years ago here on the Selvage Blog. See the posts about it here


  1. Hi Karen, What a nice surprise to see "our world quilt" again. I fondly remember participating in your beautiful quilt. Maybe it's time for another World Quilt.:)

  2. I love this quilt... and I feel so multilingual now. Great post, Karen.

  3. You're almost right about the Swedish! The word you wrote is actually spelled "täcke", which means duvet. A quilt in Swedish is a "lapptäcke". "Lapp" means patch.
    We have these letters å ä and ö which are pronounced quite different from a and o. Important little dots :-).
    Found your blog searching for information about my first quilt (I'm hoping to make one...), thank you so much for great information and inspiration!

  4. Dar, That's a good idea. I love making those skinny blocks, and seeing what arrives in the mail! Good to hear from you!

  5. DeeEmm, At least we can say an important word in these languages!

  6. Thank you, Karin, for correcting my Swedish word "lapptacke." I bet I have these little dots on my coomputer keyboard somewhere.
    It's exciting that you are about to make your first quilt! Please choose a quilt pattern from my Etsy store, and I'll email it to you free of charge.
    You have so much fun ahead of you as you start quilting!

  7. Omg, how generous of you, thank you so much!
    I've looked through your patterns (such a great collection!) and I'd love to try the Bunting Flags. The one with little triangles in rows across the quilt, I love it!
    You just made my overtime-at-work-evening so much happier :-)

  8. Hi Karen, very nice quilt! Just un little correction for french : Courtepointe (with an e) is the word canadian french use, but in France, we say patchwork (yes, english word!).
