Thursday, June 28, 2018

Rewards of Climbing the Photoshop Learning Curve

Finally, the clergy stole photos for my Etsy shop Shadrach's have clean white backgrounds!  I recently got a new computer and had to learn Photoshop because Picasa 3 is now defunct. Picasa was great, except that it couldn't lighten just one area of a photo. It was all or nothing. So this is my reward for learning a new skill: crisp photos. I love it. Ah, the rewards of biting the bullet and leaving my comfort zone.

I'm looking forward to getting back to quilt-making. My collection of quilt pattern ideas is getting very big! And I'm still saving selvages. We'll see.


  1. What is not to love about cool Kaffes in a row?

  2. Impressive!! I need to climb that mountain too! I may need to pick your brain.
