Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Nancy Sonneborn's Fabulous Fandango Quilt!

This stunning Fandango quilt is a recent finish by Nancy Sonneborn. What a beauty! Her blocks have a lot more pieces than mine. I love it! See the pattern for Fandango in the sidebar on the right.

This is what Nancy had to say about her quilt:
My fans started out a little wonky but improved as I kept at it.  They are all in the quilt and now,  I cannot tell which ones I questioned the execution of.  All the blocks are from multiple scraps I cut before beginning.  No blocks are identical but because I only used the original cuttings the colorway extends throughout.  The most fun happened once I began putting it together.  It did take a while for that time to come but the final product is so worth it.  I do love your patterns and "sewing by eye."   


  1. I have made a selvage quilt, a large basket and numerous pouches, but I still have about 3 grocery bags full of selvages and I am done with them. I would send them to anyone for the price of the postage only. I don't have a following but if you have ant ideas that could make this work I am game. I don't want to throw them away but I will unless someone wants them. Thanks and Aloha, Diane

  2. That is a stunning quilt. Thank you for sharing because it's inspirational.

  3. Wonderful quilt!! Anna Williams would be proud!!
