Thursday, September 26, 2019

Trumpet Vine Quilt Pattern

Just finished this quilt and pattern. It's fun to make and there are so many very different ways to use this block! I'm working on a series now. Scrap quilts are the best, aren't they? Take a look at the pattern here: Trumpet Vine Quilt Pattern. If you buy the pattern and don't love it, let me know and I'll issue a refund.  Intended as a wall quilt (47" x 54") but this bear looks pretty comfy there!


  1. A pattern that is calling to my scrap piles. Yay!

  2. Scrap quilts ARE the best -- if you have been a long time quilter and just can't throw away those scraps. I got a roll this summer, made 7 scrap quilts. Happily I find that y guild has had a request from local schools for 200 (approximately) quilts for grade school kids whose families are either homeless of very needy. I'll give all of them to that charity. And then dig into the scrap bags to make some others.

    My favorite thing to do with scrapes is use used drier sheets for foundations for strip quilts.
