Thursday, May 7, 2020

Face Mask Messages

What message does face mask wearing convey? I used to wonder when I saw Asian people wearing masks in public whether they were sick and not wanting to contaminate others, or if they were trying to avoid disease, maybe due to an already compromised immune system. Or both. 

Do we mask-wearers come across as considerate of others? Afraid of others? Just following the rules? Are we saying "Back off!" This Love mask invites social interaction. At least it says "Hi, there's a person in here, behind this mask." 

This mask wearing thing will take some getting used to. My mask fabric choices are developing every day. I'll settle on a favorite, then I'll want to make one for a friend, relative or customer, and I'll go in a whole new direction. 

See the current batch here. Any thoughts? Do you prefer ties or elastic? Prints or solids? Darks or lights?  Stripes? Rag rugs?

This mask tickles my fancy. It looks like a rag rug, but it's a digitally printed fabric. It looks so realistic. I didn't include it in my store because I thought it might appear that I don't understand the point of masks. Oh well.


  1. I am fortune to live in a county with only a small number of cases ( and they seem to be contained to one area).
    But I am still wearing a mask and making them for others... I am as they say of a certain age, but other then that not at risk because of other underlying factors.
    I am not wearing a mask from fear but out of concern for others fears. I think a lot of people here are.

  2. Thank's good to hear that you are healthy and that there aren't many flu cases where you live. It's a funny feeling wearing a mask. I feel like I have to take it off to talk. But I'll get used to it. My hearing is bad and I'll not be able to lip-read. That will be the hard part for me. Oh well. Are you making masks like mine? Or the other rounded shape? Prints? Any suggestions for me? Take care.

  3. I hear you ( or not ) on seeing what people are saying. Makes a difference. Tone of voice, facial expression and 6 feet away makes for some possibility of iffy communications. lol
    The mask I am making is similar to yours. 3 pleats... but... there is a nose wire at the opening in the bottom so extra filter material can be used...and ties instead of elastic. I am also putting a layer of non woven iron on Pellon in the center. Using ties because I ran out of elastic early and our local hospital asked for ties so that the mask could be sterilized and hold up better.
    On the creative front I have been using leftover quilt squares and piecing some wild scraps. I quite counting at 200... Just trying to make sure I have about a dozen here ready to go now but it has slowed down.

  4. Definitely elastic. I wear masks in buildings. As soon as I emerge into the open I pull it down. Fastening and unfastening ties would be very annoying. I love your fabric choices!
