Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to Britta in Germany

This beautiful collection of selvage placemats was made for Britta in Germany by her quilting friends: Martina, Sabine, Claudia, Hanna and Gisela. Birgit gave Britta some beautiful blue and purple hand dyed fabrics. They also made selvage cards. (You can see the placemat and card that Martina made in the photo below.)

Britta had to wait until her birthday to open her gifts. She had an idea that there were selvages in those soft packages. Her friends included extra selvages to get her started on her next selvage projects. Even Britta's husband likes the new placemats. He's known as DH in English and German! Haha.

Yes, readers, I fed two blogs into Google Translate, paragraph by paragraph, to get you this heartwarming story of selvages and quilterly friendship. To see more photos, visit Britta's blog at: You can also see Martina's blog at:

Happy birthday to Britta from all the quilters here at the Selvage Blog!


  1. I really like these great placemats. Wonderful gifts. Google translator makes me giggle sometimes.

  2. Really wonderful placemats! I am with Stephanie, Google translator sometimes comes up with the oddest things.

  3. Dear Karen,
    thanks so much for telling about our birthday gifts for Britta. It is always so fun, to visit your inspiring blog!!!
    Yours, Martina
