Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sewing Tattoo??

I really hope this is a temporary tattoo. But I don't think it is. Gertie in Queens, New York has a post on her blog where you can read (and see) about sewing tattoos. It's a very interesting blog about vintage fashion.

P.S. My sister Lynne says this is a temporary tattoo. She enlarged the photo and looked at the edges; also the tat is shiny on her left collar bone.

P.P.S. FlossieBlossoms says she thinks this is a real tattoo. She saw progress shots on the Dainty Squid blog. Thanks, Floss.


  1. That is so awesome, love it but wouldn't have the courage to own it!

  2. Oh I love sewing tattoos... I am off to check them out thanks heaps!!

    Xo Steph

  3. Thanks for the heads-up for this blog.
    For the most part garment sewing is a thing of the past so I'm happy you pointed us in Gertie's direction.

  4. Whoa... now there is someone who is dedicated to their craft!

  5. Crumbs! That is even more impressive than Katy's over at I'm a Ginger Monkey.

  6. Oh dear!!! I hope it is temporary too.

  7. I love it! But I would never do it to myself! At least not in such a prominent, & painful, location. Thanks for sharing and pointy to Gerty's blog!

  8. I'm pretty sure it's for real- she was posting progress pictures of it as she was having it done.

    Not my cup of tea, but if it makes her happy.....

    I wouldn't like looking in the mirror and seeing a backwards machine, that would drive me crazy. NOT that I would ever get a tattoo, I wouldn't.

  9. She has a blog and seems like a really fun, neat young lady. The Dainty Squid.

    Her tattoo artist is quite amazing, really. And her hair is always fun!

  10. A few days ago I posted a post about tattoos and inspiration from them. I was afraid I might offend someone....but I'm glad to see you too have posted about it. I would love to post this sewing tattoo picture to my post if at all possible. It is amazing. There is a machine quilting teacher Renae Haddadin who has quilting stencils tattooed on her. What a hoot she is. If ever you can take a class from her make sure you do.
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. It's definitely a real tattoo. It's awesome, I want one :D

  12. Holy smokes - that's huge!
    I just got a decent size tattoo on my foot & lower leg. It's been about 12 days now, and parts of it are still pretty "shiny."
    I like this tattoo, but in this location, it could never be hidden. Knowing how much pain I went through when I got mine, I wouldn't want to get one this big & solidly filled in! OUCH!
