Sunday, August 8, 2010

Trip Down Memory Lane - Green Elna

This is the kind of sewing machine that I learned to sew on! That was back in 1963 when I was just 10 years old. I wanted to sew my own clothes. My Mom, sisters and I put a bazillion miles on that machine! We made dresses (shifts), skirts, pajamas, bathing suits, prom dresses, pants, cheerleading outfits (modest ones out of courduroy), jackets, get the idea. Then came the quilts. Oh, what a blast we had. :)

I found this photo on Gertie's blog: By the way, despite the advertisement copy, I think it is a machine. Lol.

Hello to Mom, Lynne, Amelia and Oliver today!


  1. I have a Bernina I was given for my 21st. AH!! 40 years ago.I have also sewn a storm on it. My GG2 is going to given it soon. Have only updated it last year with a Bernina QE 440.You know what ,don't think it will last 40 years!!!

  2. I've always wanted to see those green Elnas. I've sewn on an Elna since my mom got her supermatic in 1969. I have a 40-year-old Elna sp.

  3. OMG - That is the SAME exact machine that I learned on! Right about the same age too. Amazing... and I own it now. Mom bought me and each of my 4 older sisters a Supermatic when they came out and I sewed on that one until I got my Husqvarna #1+. The Supermatic is still going strong since I gave it to my daughter. Thanks for the memory!

  4. Love it!!! I am sure it was a workhorse.

  5. I have this machine at home.I inherited from my mother,who made clothes since the 50ies on this machine.She is still o.K., ready for sewing. Erika.

  6. Wow, I have that exact same ad!! Isn't it just a hoot? I love those vintage ads. We also have three or four of these Supermatics in the garage :-). They are real workhorses! Hubby needs to service them one of these days and see if they still run. I love the Elna 'growl' as we call it. When sewing on the machines, they have kind of a little growl when they start up. Great machines.

  7. Hi, I have learnd to sew on an elna like this, instead of green it was light brown. Better to say it is so, my Mum is still sewing on it for 50 years!
    Gabi from Austria

  8. Love that green Elna!! My first colored sewing machine was a pink Singer in the early 60's, then I progressed to a full size red Husvarna in the 70's. Lost all in a fire so I really enjoy seeing the vintage ads to help me remember.

  9. I love the vintage ad! The sewing machine is great and the color is just perfect! Thanks for the memories :)
