Saturday, September 25, 2010

Autumn is Arriving in New England

The leaves are still mostly green in Connecticut, but there are early splashes of brilliant colors here and there. It's like nature's orchestra starting to tune their musical instruments. I love fall.
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  1. I live in Portland, OR and the weather is changing here too ~ along with the leaves. Moved here just a little over a year ago from Southern California. While weather does happen there, not like here. Love the changing of the seasons! Beautiful photos!

  2. the bottom tree looks like the one across the street from me so Autumn is arriving in IL too.

  3. I love the changing of the seasons too. It inspires the color palate I'm working with, now moving to fall colors.

  4. I miss it SO much in the fall. I am back in Texas now and it's just not the same! We lived in both Maine and Connecticut for a couple of years and I still can't convince my husband to move back. I do envy you.

  5. Oh those leaves are gorgeous!! What great inspiration.
    Can't help but love the 'feel' of Fall in the air. Time to get ready to snuggle in for the winter... and sew, sew, sew!

  6. ICK, ACK, UGHHGH! If we jumped from fall to spring I'd be happy, I do like fall, I HATE, DREAD, LOATH winters here in Montana! I play "burry the head in the sand" until the first snowfall (last weekend outside of town) then suffer until spring
