Friday, September 24, 2010

Antique Quilt Offered on eBay for $5,000

This quilt was made by Melissa Gardner in 1881. We know this because she embroidered a label on the back of the quilt. The opening bid is $4,995. This looks like a museum quality quilt: classic color combination, fabrics still nice and bright, extensive quilting, expert workmanship. Wow!

Wouldn't Melissa be astonished to see her quilt selling for this price!


  1. Indeed she surely would! That is a wonderful quilt. Such workmanship!

  2. wow... what a beautiful work... and it gives me goosebumps to know it is from 1881...

    what happened already between 1881 till today...

    Best regards from Germany


  3. Astonished indeed! I hope it sells for more! It is absolutely exquisite!

  4. Wow indeed! Look at all those tiny little triangles. It must have taken her forever.
