Thursday, September 23, 2010

Old Ugly Quilt in Terrible Condition

Yes that's the title for this quilt auction on eBay! No chit chat about its rustic charm or bold design, just the facts. Haha. Opening price $19.99, no bids with 20 hours to go at the time of this writing. "It looks like a rag quilt as there are many different pieces of material used," according to the seller. It weighs over 5 pounds. Oh yeah, it smells too.
This seller-wannabe could use a little training in marketing! And in quilting.


  1. There are people who would pay $19.99+ for a blankie for the dog's bed.

  2. Reminds me of a Gees Bend design????

  3. While it is amazing what some people will try to sell, it's even more amazing what people will buy. I've actually seen people buy underwear at yard sales. EEEKKKK

  4. That's not ugly at all. Lots of character. Stinky I don't know about - that would be enough to put me off.

  5. A lovely string pieced utility quilt. Too bad it smells. Five pounds?! Do all our quilts weigh that much? I doubt it.

  6. I'm wondering about the five pounds too! I can't imagine.

  7. ha ha, I always find the most amazing, down right 'honest' descriptions on ebay!
    one man's rubbish is another's treasure - I am sure it will find a good home!
